Defect #34283
openText in code / preformatted blocks renders incorrrectly in Issue List
Code / preformatted text within (for example) the Description renders correctly on the Issue Detail screen, but not when the Description field is displayed on the Issue list screen. Problem occurs with both Markdown & Textile on both my own test installation as well as
For example the following will be incorrectly displayed in the Issue List on one line:
line 1 Indented line 2 Further indented line 3 Indented line 4 Line 5
And the following code block from the Redmine Textile Guide will display each word of code on its own line:
# The Greeter class - Ruby
class Greeter
def initialize(name)
@name = name.capitalize
def salute
puts "Hello #{@name}!"
A screenshot of how it renders in my Issue List is attached. The first example looks like a CSS problem. This is using Textile and the Default theme.
My Environment:
Redmine version 4.1.1.stable
Ruby version 2.5.1-p57 (2018-03-29) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
Rails version
Environment production
Database adapter PostgreSQL
Mailer queue ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::AsyncAdapter
Mailer delivery smtp
Mercurial 4.5.3
Git 2.17.1
Redmine plugins:
redmine_env_auth 1.1
redmine_language_change 0.1.0
redmine_wiki_lists 0.0.9
Updated by Andrew Mo over 4 years ago
- File Example-Redmine_org.png Example-Redmine_org.png added
So I've confirmed it also renders wrongly on, though the code example renders differently to our test site. Attached is how it looks in the Issues List on
Updated by Go MAEDA about 4 years ago
Andrew Mould wrote:
So I've confirmed it also renders wrongly on, though the code example renders differently to our test site. Attached is how it looks in the Issues List on
Could you post the URL of I could not find the page that rendered incorrectly on
Updated by Andrew Mo about 4 years ago
Sorry, completely missed the notification. This very Issue will render incorrectly in the Issue List. Here's a link to demonstrate it:
Compare the result with the layout on this Issue Detail screen:
Updated by Go MAEDA about 4 years ago
- Category changed from Text formatting to Issues list