



Defect #36278


Required field does not marked as required when user has multiple roles with different rules

Added by salman mp over 3 years ago. Updated about 3 years ago.

Issues workflow
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In workflow permissions, when someone has multiple roles, suppose for a desired field, at least one rule is 'empty' (means default permission), and one is 'required'.
We expect this field to be required when editing, but it does not.


patch.diff (1.33 KB) patch.diff salman mp, 2021-12-03 09:30
workflow.diff (667 Bytes) workflow.diff salman mp, 2021-12-03 09:33
Actions #1

Updated by salman mp over 3 years ago

Please remove invalid attachment. This is the true one

Actions #2

Updated by Go MAEDA over 3 years ago

salman mp wrote:

In workflow permissions, when someone has multiple roles, suppose for a desired field, at least one rule is 'empty' (means default permission), and one is 'required'.
We expect this field to be required when editing, but it does not.

I don't think it is a defect. In my understanding, an empty value does not mean that there are no permissions, but means there are no restrictions. In other words, there are all permissions.

In the case you have illustrated, the user has all permissions, so the field must not be marked as required.

Actions #3

Updated by salman mp about 3 years ago

Go MAEDA wrote:

I don't think it is a defect. In my understanding, an empty value does not mean that there are no permissions, but means there are no restrictions. In other words, there are all permissions.

In the case you have illustrated, the user has all permissions, so the field must not be marked as required.

I think in this case it is necessary to display the field as required, because it seems that the priority of "required" should be more than "no restriction" and the priority of "no restriction" should be more than "read only".

Note that when a user has multiple roles, he or she should have the highest permissions set on each field. Is that right?

Now (implemented):

read_only + required -> required

Based on that, we expect:
no-restriction + required -> required
no-restriction + read_only -> no-restriction


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