



Patch #3712


enhanced mod_perl module for apache

Added by Arnaud Martel over 15 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

SCM extra
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Description is a very good module and I used it for a very long time but, recently, I needed to have more configuration options and I decided to rewrite it. This new version adds the following things:

4 new directives:
  • RedmineAuthenticationOnly : when defined, the module only checks the credentials with redmine (database or LDAP, depending the user's settings). It allows a mix, for exemple, between redmine authentication and subversion access management using AuthzSVNAccessFile directive)
  • RedmineProjectId : when defined to a project identifier, the module will check user's permissions based on a specific project. It allows, for exemple, to link a redmine project with its documentation in a DokuWiki instance and manage access rights in DokuWiki from redmine.
  • RedmineReadPermissions : one or more permissions used to allow read access (ie: GET PROPFIND REPORT and OPTIONS). Default value is :browse_repository
  • RedmineWritePermissions : one or more permissions used to allow others accesses (ie: everything except GET PROPFIND REPORT and OPTIONS). Default value is :commit_access
and more integration with redmine:
  • anonymous access is denied if "Authentication required" is checked in redmine (Administration->Settings/Authentication).
  • The module will use the permissions defined for Anonymous et Non member roles if the project is public.
  • read and write accesses are checked using redmine permissions

perl is not my preferred language so, please, feel free to make any comment or modify the source code...


Files (16.1 KB) Arnaud Martel, 2009-08-05 18:12
RedmineAdvanced-ldap-as-user.diff (1.17 KB) RedmineAdvanced-ldap-as-user.diff bind to LDAP server as user (see #1913) Adi Kriegisch, 2009-08-21 15:42 (16.1 KB) Thimios Dimopulos, 2009-10-26 15:32
RedmineAdvanced-sqlite.diff (767 Bytes) RedmineAdvanced-sqlite.diff Fix sqlite compatibility Lluís Vilanova, 2009-10-28 21:18 (13.5 KB) Guillaume Perréal, 2011-11-12 17:13

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Defect #5070: does not allow Administrators to access svn repositoriesNew2010-03-13

Actions #1

Updated by Adi Kriegisch over 15 years ago

I like your patch very much as it adds cool new features and cleans up the code. Thank you very much for sharing! :-)
Some time ago I added a patch to Redmine to authenticate against an LDAP server as user (see #1913).
To make this work with your enhanced version of a patch is required that scans the LDAP binddn for the occurance of the string "$login" and if it is there the string will be replaced by the username of the current user (and used together with his password to authenticate against the LDAP server). The modification is minor and completely backwards compatible with unpatched Redmine. So you might safely add this patch to and it will just work... :-)

Actions #2

Updated by Olexandr Miroshnychenko over 15 years ago

Thnx, very useful patch!

Actions #3

Updated by Thimios Dimopulos over 15 years ago

I updated the query at line 199 to cope with the removal of the member_roles table in latest 0.8 stable.

Actions #4

Updated by Lluís Vilanova over 15 years ago

Updated query result checks to be compatible with sqlite.

The diff is applied on Arnaud's file.

Actions #5

Updated by Lluís Vilanova over 15 years ago

The script gives open access when the project stated in "RedmineProjectId" does not exist in redmine.

Actions #6

Updated by Arnaud Martel over 15 years ago

Lluís Vilanova wrote:

The script gives open access when the project stated in "RedmineProjectId" does not exist in redmine.

Yes, you're right but only when one of following conditions is satisfied:
  • READ access is requested and "Authentication required" is not checked (in Administration -> Settings -> Authentication)
  • current user is an administrator of the redmine site
  • RedmineAuthenticationOnly is defined

In my opinion, only the first condition may introduce a security hole and administrators should be aware of it...

Actions #7

Updated by Bruno Prado about 15 years ago

How do I use these files?
I have 0.8-stable as-is.

Actions #8

Updated by Bruno Prado about 15 years ago

I replaced for this, and copied it to perl5/apache folders.
Am I doing it correctly?

Actions #9

Updated by Bruno Prado about 15 years ago

Well, I replaced all for, and updated dav_svn.conf with the new name.
How do I use the new features?

Actions #10

Updated by Arnaud Martel about 15 years ago

Well here are some examples:

Example1 : Most used case. Users will be authenticated with redmine and you will give them read and write authorization based on roles/permissions. In this example, user will have read access when having a role with the "Browse repository" permission (and commit/write access when having the "Commit access" permission).

PerlLoadModule Apache::Authn::RedmineAdvanced
<Location /svn>
   DAV svn
   SVNParentPath /var/svn

   AuthType Basic
   AuthName "REDMINE area" 
   Require valid-user

   PerlAccessHandler Apache::Authn::RedmineAdvanced::access_handler
   PerlAuthenHandler Apache::Authn::RedmineAdvanced::authen_handler
   RedmineDSN "DBI:mysql:database=redmine;host=localhost" 
   RedmineDbUser "redmine" 
   RedmineDbPass "XXXXXX" 
   RedmineReadPermissions :browse_repository
   RedmineWritePermissions :commit_access

Example2 : For a specific repository, you want to manage the rights granted to people with the AuthzSVNAccessFile directive. In this case, you only want to authenticate users (authorization will be defined in the file used the AuthzSVNAccessFile directive).

PerlLoadModule Apache::Authn::RedmineAdvanced
<Location /svn2/myrepo>
   DAV svn
   SVNPath /mnt/subversion/myrepo
   AuthzSVNAccessFile /mnt/subversion/accesslist

   AuthType Basic
   AuthName "REDMINE area" 
   Require valid-user

   PerlAccessHandler Apache::Authn::RedmineAdvanced::access_handler
   PerlAuthenHandler Apache::Authn::RedmineAdvanced::authen_handler
   RedmineDSN "DBI:mysql:database=redmine;host=localhost" 
   RedmineDbUser "redmine" 
   RedmineDbPass "XXXXXX" 
   RedmineAuthenticationOnly "On" 

Example 3: You have installed a web application on your server (a dokuWiki instance, for example) and you want to allow access only to members of a specific redmine's project (for example, the project "myproject"). Read and write access are given if users have "View wiki" or "Edit wiki pages" permissions...

PerlLoadModule Apache::Authn::RedmineAdvanced
<Directory "/var/www/html/dokuWiki">
   AuthType Basic
   AuthName "REDMINE area" 
   Require valid-user

   PerlAccessHandler Apache::Authn::RedmineAdvanced::access_handler
   PerlAuthenHandler Apache::Authn::RedmineAdvanced::authen_handler
   RedmineDSN "DBI:mysql:database=redmine;host=localhost" 
   RedmineDbUser "redmine" 
   RedmineDbPass "XXXXXX" 
   RedmineProjectId myproject
   RedmineReadPermissions :view_wiki_pages
   RedmineWritePermissions :edit_wiki_pages

Hope this will help you....

Actions #11

Updated by Bryce Nordgren almost 15 years ago

This is perhaps a minor issue, but when a repository exists and a Redmine administrator authenticates, access is denied. I would say that a Redmine administrator should be granted access to all Redmine-managed assets. Looking at the MySQL general log, the following queries are issued:

SELECT hashed_password, auth_source_id 
  FROM users 
  WHERE users.status=1 AND login='bnordgren'
SELECT host,port,tls,account,account_password,base_dn,attr_login 
  from auth_sources 
  WHERE id = '1'
SELECT is_public FROM projects WHERE projects.identifier='private'
SELECT permissions 
  FROM members, projects, users, roles 
    users.status=1 AND 
    login='bnordgren' AND 

I made the same complaint against the "official version" of in #5070. :) If it is not always desirable to have redmine administrators be granted access, perhaps it could be an option? I'd do it myself but I don't know perl, and for the moment I can live with adding myself to the projects.

Actions #12

Updated by Bryce Nordgren almost 15 years ago

Also, it's probably best to make clear that the member_roles table was apparently added in 0.9.x, and not removed in the latest 0.8 stable as mentioned by Thimios Dimopulos above. So if you're running 0.9.x download the original version attached to this ticket. If you're running 0.8.x, download the version by Thimios Dimopulos. Your apache will thank you.

Actions #13

Updated by Arnaud Martel almost 15 years ago

Bryce Nordgren wrote:

This is perhaps a minor issue, but when a repository exists and a Redmine administrator authenticates, access is denied. I would say that a Redmine administrator should be granted access to all Redmine-managed assets. Looking at the MySQL general log, the following queries are issued:

I made the same complaint against the "official version" of in #5070. :) If it is not always desirable to have redmine administrators be granted access, perhaps it could be an option? I'd do it myself but I don't know perl, and for the moment I can live with adding myself to the projects.

Well, I think you can patch my original file if you need. Just insert the following line at line number 321:

return OK if ( is_admin( $r->user, $r ) );

I didn't test the result but it should work as you like...

From my point of view, as an administrator, I don't want to bypass security access all the time but I understand your complaint...

Actions #14

Updated by Bryce Nordgren almost 15 years ago

Thanks for the patch. :) I'm not very familiar with perl and this gives me the head start I needed.

My requirement for some kind of "security bypass" has to do with creating mirrors of all the repositories. Redmine and the subversion repositories are outside the firewall, and I want to svnsync all repositories to another machine nightly. Since I'm allowing my users to create non-public subversion repositories, I need a user that will always have access.

Actions #15

Updated by Paul Bogen about 14 years ago

Does this still work in the latest versions of Redmine? I'm looking to allow some users to be able to do Example #2 on their project.

Actions #16

Updated by Arnaud Martel about 14 years ago

Yes, I'm using it with redmine 1.1.0

Actions #17

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 14 years ago

  • Category set to SCM
Actions #18

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 14 years ago

  • Category changed from SCM to SCM extra
Actions #19

Updated by Guillaume Perréal over 13 years ago

I reworked my own yesterday and discovers this patch today. I have go the same way to enhance it but there are some differences :
  • It is using the proper authentication (authn) and authorization (authz) handlers instead of access and authentication ones. They could theoretically work separately.
  • The authentication phase only authenticates, e.g. checks login/password. It honors the 'login_required' settings. It returns "AUTH_REQUIRED" in case of password mismatch and "FORBIDDEN" for inactive accounts.
  • The authorization phase checks if the authenticated user is allowed. It properly honor anonymous and non-member permissions on public projects. It returns "FORBIDDEN" if the user is not authorized, but for anonymous. In the latter case, it returns "AUTH_REQUIRED" to enforce login.
  • The credential cache takes the required permission into account. With the shipped, I think you can commit right after doing reading since the required permissions are not tested.
  • I have added a RedmineCacheCredsMaxAge setting to define an expiration delay.
  • The credential cache only works if you use both handlers. Credentials are recorded in the authz handler and they are tested in the authn handler during subsequent requests.

The whole thing needs to be tested and I think I will add some other features I have seen there. I am not sure how I should adapt the where-clause setting, as I have added some queries.

Hope this helps.

Actions #20

Updated by Terence Mill over 11 years ago

It*s really sag this imrproved feature is still bot planned. I actually found this after i made a thread request, that would be covered by this patch


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