



Feature #3841


Interface with fbConnect/Twitter/etc

Added by Michael Koch over 15 years ago. Updated almost 12 years ago.

Accounts / authentication
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In terms of usability, it'd be great if there was a plugin that allowed users to login using their facebook/twitter/openid or other account that the user would like to use. This would help in lifting an additional barricade to user adoption of redmine.

Actions #1

Updated by Eric Davis over 15 years ago

Redmine supported OpenID (#699) already. I'm not sure of the value of allowing Facebook or Twitter authentications. Perhaps someone could build a plugin to support these authentication types.

Actions #2

Updated by Michael Koch over 15 years ago

In terms of reaching a larger user base, having multiple routes to login into redmine seems useful. Maybe not?

Actions #3

Updated by Eric Davis over 15 years ago

I could see those being useful, but not as a core feature. If they were built as a plugin that could be installed, I'd be happy to help the developer if they some core modifications. What does everyone else think?

Actions #4

Updated by Michael Koch over 15 years ago

i agree that as a plugin, it would be great. unfortunately, i am not a programmer, but hopefully someone out there has the expertise to do this.

Actions #5

Updated by Anh Kỳ Huỳnh over 15 years ago

I am going to write this plugin. I may publish it this weekend. If you intend to write or request for features, please comment here.

Actions #6

Updated by Michael Koch over 15 years ago

When logging in, it'd be nice to have a drop down menu from which you could choose the site you want to login thru.

Found this site that seems to have a good tutorial on how to do it.

Django - SocialAuth
Demo of SocialAuth

Actions #7

Updated by Michael Koch over 15 years ago

Hello Ky,

I was wondering what the current status of this plugin is?


Actions #8

Updated by Dipan Mehta almost 12 years ago

Not fBConnect/twitter but something you can check here:

  1. OpenId Selector
  2. OpenID Fix
  3. Redmine omniauth google
  4. Google Apps login
Actions #9

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 12 years ago

  • Category set to Accounts / authentication

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