Defect #39131
openProblem when edit a issue and change the project
Hi, I have a strage problem:
- I have roles for projects and the projects are public.
- I have set up a tracker that can be created the issue in other projects using the permissions of the non-member role.
If the issue is created from the request's project to another project, there are no problems and everything works correctly.
The problem arises if I have a ticket from another type of tracker and I try to modify the tracker and subsequently assign it to another project.
I get the effect that the tracker is edited correctly, while when I select another project, the software makes an ajax call to edit.js and restores the current project.
In practice it is impossible for me to change the project because it always restores the original one of the ticket I am modifying.
If you need I can show you the effect live.
It would be very useful if you could provide me with a patch while waiting for a definitive resolution.
Thank you very much and good job
Updated by C S over 1 year ago
Do you use an additional plugin that allows issues to be processed dynamically?
It's best to post the complete system configuration Adminstrator->Info
Updated by Enzo Pellecchia over 1 year ago
C S wrote in #note-1:
Do you use an additional plugin that allows issues to be processed dynamically?It's best to post the complete system configuration Adminstrator->Info
No, I not use any plugin, I have the problem on issue edit.