



Feature #4050


Ruby 1.9 support

Added by Alexey Froloff over 15 years ago. Updated almost 13 years ago.

Ruby support
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


With attached patches redmine passes all tests with Rails 2.3.4 and Ruby 1.9.1. I'm trying to package redmine for ALT Linux distro, these patches are not distribution specific.

I have packaged and installed following modules (never tried to patch vendored versions):

ruby-coderay (
rails-plugin-engines (
rails-plugin-rfpdf (

Excerption from redmine spec just for reference:

rm -rf vendor/plugins/coderay*/
rm -rf vendor/plugins/engines/
rm -rf vendor/plugins/rfpdf/
# these locales fail test_load(DefaultDataTest)
rm -f config/locales/hu.yml
rm -f config/locales/zh.yml
rm -f config/locales/zh-TW.yml

cat <<EOF >config/database.yml
  adapter: sqlite3
  database: db/production.db

  adapter: sqlite3
  database: db/development.db

  adapter: sqlite3
  database: db/test.db
rake --trace config/initializers/session_store.rb
rake --trace db:migrate
rake --trace test:scm:setup:create_dir
rake --trace test:scm:setup:filesystem
rake --trace test:scm:setup:git
rake --trace test:scm:setup:subversion
rake --trace test:units
rake --trace test:functionals
rake --trace test:integration


0006-Fix-weird-characters.patch (1.32 KB) 0006-Fix-weird-characters.patch Alexey Froloff, 2009-10-18 12:51
0007-Missing-users_groups-fixture.patch (1.13 KB) 0007-Missing-users_groups-fixture.patch Alexey Froloff, 2009-10-18 12:51
0008-Quotes-should-not-be-escaped.patch (1.21 KB) 0008-Quotes-should-not-be-escaped.patch Alexey Froloff, 2009-10-18 12:51
0009-Use-pt_BR-instead-of-buggy-zh_TW-locale.patch (2.04 KB) 0009-Use-pt_BR-instead-of-buggy-zh_TW-locale.patch Alexey Froloff, 2009-10-18 12:51
0001-New-CSV-API.patch (2.11 KB) 0001-New-CSV-API.patch Alexey Froloff, 2009-10-18 12:51
0002-Round-up-Rational-value.patch (1.29 KB) 0002-Round-up-Rational-value.patch Alexey Froloff, 2009-10-18 12:51
0003-Object-methods-returns-Array-of-Symbols.patch (1.53 KB) 0003-Object-methods-returns-Array-of-Symbols.patch Alexey Froloff, 2009-10-18 12:51
0004-Fix-Regexp.patch (904 Bytes) 0004-Fix-Regexp.patch Alexey Froloff, 2009-10-18 12:51
0010-20000-days-is-less-than-55-years.patch (1.46 KB) 0010-20000-days-is-less-than-55-years.patch Alexey Froloff, 2009-10-18 12:51
0005-Do-not-require-non-existant-modules.patch (936 Bytes) 0005-Do-not-require-non-existant-modules.patch Alexey Froloff, 2009-10-18 12:51
0011-Process-fixtures-as-binary.patch (1.14 KB) 0011-Process-fixtures-as-binary.patch Alexey Froloff, 2009-10-18 12:52
Ruby-1.9-Encoding.default_external.diff (595 Bytes) Ruby-1.9-Encoding.default_external.diff Toshi MARUYAMA, 2011-03-04 06:24
application_controller.diff (1.11 KB) application_controller.diff Toshi MARUYAMA, 2011-04-28 13:59
application_controller_chili_21a45b4e.diff (1.08 KB) application_controller_chili_21a45b4e.diff Toshi MARUYAMA, 2011-10-30 12:46

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Defect #2664: Mercurial: Repository path encoding of non UTF-8 charactersClosedToshi MARUYAMA2009-02-04

Related to Redmine - Defect #6853: Ruby 1.9: translation missing: en, field_lock_version (ruby 1.9.1)Closed2010-11-08

Related to Redmine - Feature #8209: I18n YAML files not parsable with psych yaml libraryClosedToshi MARUYAMA2011-04-22

Related to Redmine - Defect #8847: I18n YAML files not parsable with psych yaml libraryClosedToshi MARUYAMA2011-07-19

Related to Redmine - Defect #9798: Release 1.3.0 does not detect rubytree under ruby 1.9.3p0 / rails 2.3.14Closed

Related to Redmine - Feature #10046: Update installation doc on releaseClosed

Related to Redmine - Defect #7096: CSV Issues Export + Ruby 1.9 + Thin + non-ascii characters causes "invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII"Closed2010-12-11

Related to Redmine - Defect #10575: Uploading of attachments which filename contains non-ASCII chars fails with Ruby 1.9Closed

Related to Redmine - Defect #10593: Error: 'incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT' (old annoing issue) on ruby-1.9.3ClosedJean-Philippe Lang

Has duplicate Redmine - Defect #8600: Encoding::CompatibilityError in Welcome#indexClosed2011-06-14

Has duplicate Redmine - Defect #10051: Ruby 1.9.2 and mailer encodingClosed

Blocks Redmine - Defect #6725: Acronyms don't work for Russian languageNew2010-10-22

Blocked by Redmine - Patch #4869: Redmine doesn't support ruby 1.9's radio buttonsClosed2010-02-18

Blocks Redmine - Defect #6551: Highlighting in search results is case sensitive for cyrillic patternNew2010-10-01

Blocked by Redmine - Defect #4824: Unable to connect (can't convert Net::LDAP::LdapError into String)ClosedJean-Philippe Lang2010-02-132010-02-17

Blocks Redmine - Defect #9730: Redmine leaks memory over 1G, YAMLClosed

Blocks Redmine - Defect #10134: Case insensitive search is not working with postgres 8.4 and umlautsConfirmed

Actions #2

Updated by Alexey Froloff over 15 years ago

Forgot to mention. All patches made against yesterday's trunk.

Actions #3

Updated by Holger Just over 14 years ago

  • Category set to Ruby support
Actions #4

Updated by Etienne Massip over 14 years ago

That would be great as ruby 1.9.2 is out now and is meant to be the first 1.9 release ready for production use.

This could improve greatly the speed and usability of Redmine.

Actions #5

Updated by Alexey Froloff over 14 years ago

$ git diff --stat tags/1.0.0..master -- app/ config/ lib/ test/ vendor/ | tail 1
60 files changed, 264 insertions(+), 220 deletions(

Works perfect with 1.9.1p376. Since there's no reaction on my patches, I don't see any reason for me to submit anything again.

Actions #6

Updated by Jean-Baptiste Barth over 14 years ago

Alexey, please don't take it that way, be sure that such contributions are very appreciated.

There were no reaction to your patch for various reasons. Mainly because we are very few contributors around to review thousands of pending issues. Plus, if I remember correctly, 1.9.1 has always been said to be not really ready for production (I remember articles about weird cases, segfaults, etc.).

But now with 1.9.2 released, the situation is very different. I'd personnaly like 1.1 to be fully compatible with ruby 1.9, and maybe we'll begin to support more recent rails versions.

I'll have a look at your patches and integrate them one by one as soon as I come back from my holidays in september. Thank you again.

Actions #7

Updated by Alexey Froloff over 14 years ago

This issue is already obsolete. In I have working redmine 1.0.0 (upstream sources were imported with git-svn) with bunch of fixes related to 1.9.1 incompatibilities, encoding issues, rails 2.3.8 anti-XSS false-positive escapes as well as several really nasty bugs.

I am packaging redmine for ALT Linux distro, we have ruby 1.9.1 as the only ruby version in repository. I am doing this just for fun, although there are several users who runs this version in their "production".

I can comment on any my commit, but submitting issues without any feedback in months don't worth the effort. Nothing personal.

Actions #8

Updated by Etienne Massip over 14 years ago

This issue can't be obsolete, you just brought a considerable help to Redmine's development for which we, users, are very thankful.

BTW, it looks like someone else did the same to get early Rails 3 support (issue #4796) :

Actions #9

Updated by Jean-Baptiste Barth over 14 years ago

Alexey Froloff wrote:

This issue is already obsolete. In I have working redmine 1.0.0 (upstream sources were imported with git-svn) with bunch of fixes related to 1.9.1 incompatibilities, encoding issues, rails 2.3.8 anti-XSS false-positive escapes as well as several really nasty bugs.

OK thanks, I mirrored this repo on my laptop so that I can hack a bit on it.

Actions #10

Updated by David Morton over 14 years ago

I'm very interested in this too, as I just spent a week or two getting an application ready for rails 3, and then I discovered that passenger needs to run the same ruby version for all apps on the server - and so to run redmine on the testing server along with the application, I need both to run in 1.9.2. :(

Alexsey: you said 1.0.0, how is it tracking with 1.0.1 ?

Actions #11

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 14 years ago

After Redmine updated Rails 2.3.11, I can't run on my Japanese Windows nor Linux Latin-1 locale on Ruby 1.9.

$ ruby --version
ruby 1.9.2p136 (2010-12-25 revision 30365) [x86_64-linux]

$ locale

ActionView::TemplateError (incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1) on line #62 of app/views/layouts/base.rhtml:
60:     <div id="content">
61:                 <%= render_flash_messages %>
62:         <%= yield %>
63:         <%= call_hook :view_layouts_base_content %>
64:                 <div style="clear:both;"></div>
65:     </div>

    app/views/layouts/base.rhtml:62:in `concat'
    app/views/layouts/base.rhtml:62:in `_run_rhtml_app47views47layouts47base46rhtml'
    <internal:prelude>:10:in `synchronize'
    /home/xxxxx/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p136/lib/ruby/1.9.1/webrick/httpserver.rb:111:in `service'
    /home/xxxxx/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p136/lib/ruby/1.9.1/webrick/httpserver.rb:70:in `run'
    /home/xxxxx/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p136/lib/ruby/1.9.1/webrick/server.rb:183:in `block in start_thread'

Rendered rescues/_trace (228.3ms)
Rendered rescues/_request_and_response (2.0ms)
Rendering rescues/layout (internal_server_error)

I apply this patch, then I can run Redmine.

Actions #12

Updated by Etienne Massip almost 14 years ago

  • Target version set to Candidate for next major release
Actions #13

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 14 years ago

This is additional patch.
Without this patch, I can not input non ASCII characters.

Actions #14

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 14 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Patch to Feature
Actions #15

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 13 years ago

Actions #17

Updated by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago

  • Target version changed from Candidate for next major release to 1.4.0
Actions #18

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 13 years ago

r8714 breaks tests with ruby 1.9. I'd really like that this fix comes with a test so that we can safely remove it in the future.

Actions #19

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 13 years ago

Japanese attachment filename is broken on Japanese Windows Ruby 1.9

Actions #20

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Resolution set to Fixed

I'm closing it as the test suite passes with both 1.9.2 and 1.9.3 (1.9.1 is not supported by Rails):

Separate issues should be open if incompatibilities are found.

Actions #21

Updated by Alexander Oryol almost 13 years ago

Please, add to related issue #10593


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