Feature #414
Dotted underline for non-existent page links
Added by Neil Rodrigues over 17 years ago.
Updated over 17 years ago.
It would be great to have a feature that can distinguish between links to existent wiki pages, and links to non-existent
PMWiki uses a dotted underline followed by a superscript question mark to indicate a link to a non-existent page, and
a regular underline otherwise. See the attached pic, IoB_Basement and IoB_InnerGarden are non-existent pages, while
the other regular underline pages exist.
I don't really care about the regular underline ones, but it would be nice to have something like a dotted underline
to indicate non-existent pages.
Easy to do but would require to disable wiki page caching.
If wiki page caching was disabled, automatic issue links could
also be more user friendly (eg. stoke style when closed, subject
as the link title, ...).
What's your opinion ?
Well, we don't use the Wiki that frequently, so disabling
wiki page caching would be no problem for me.
I believe that Wikipedia also uses an indicator for
non-existent pages. From a user standpoint, I think it's
more important to know which pages exist and which don't,
rather than how fast they load on my browser.
A few enhancements were committed in rev 714. Links to non-existent
wiki pages now appears in red.
Here are the changes:
- issue and changeset links generated only if the object exists
- issue subject and status appear in the link title
- strike issue link if issue is closed
- red wiki page link if page doesn't exist
It works great! Thanks Jean.
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