Feature #415
openDaily Digest option for Mail Notifications
We tend to have a lot of issues when using Redmine, and mail notifications are set to notify on everything. It would
be great for users to have the option to have a Daily Digest rather than immediate notification.
A Daily Digest is essentially an e-mail containing everything the Activity link shows, but is sent out only once daily.
However, if an issue is Assigned to someone, or if someone requests a Watch notification, those e-mails should always
be sent immediately, regardless of Daily Digest status.
Related issues
Updated by Vincent de Lau almost 16 years ago
I created a duplicate issue: #3412.
As an addition to this issue, I think it should be configurable how frequent you receive a digest (hourly, daily, weekly).
I also think is a good idea to group changes by issue. That way you can quickly see what happened with an issue.
Updated by Anonymous almost 16 years ago
Even better would be if you could set most things to be included in digest, but have certain things, like when a new high-priority issue is submitted, be sent immediately.
Updated by Marc Dworkin over 15 years ago
This would be a very useful feature. Perhaps notification settings could be more finely associated with worklow transitions
Updated by Luiz Carlos Junior over 15 years ago
Although all comments seem to be interesting, it would make a great difference if Redmine just provides an user option to receive a simple daily digest e-mail per project.
In the first version, I think it would be enough if this e-mail contained just a list of all changed issues with its number and subject (and a link). Since Redmine logs all changes, if one user is interested in a certain issue he could easily click on the link and see the latest changes.
Updated by kardan brueckenschlaeger over 15 years ago
+1 on this issue and note:4
Updated by Mike Johnson about 15 years ago
I agree with Kardan: +1 on this issue and note:4
Updated by Josh Weatherly almost 15 years ago
Is anyone working on implementing something like this?
Updated by Aaron Steiner over 14 years ago
I am trying to convince people at work to start using Redmine for tracking our various projects but the barrage of emails generated by just a few developers will be a major impediment.
Updated by Terence Mill over 14 years ago
Best would be to offer some time based rules, like daily at 8.00 pm , weekly every thursday at 3 am, every 3 days at 10 pm, immidiately..
..and some content based rules, like, a lists of all items with short deccription (only topic and link), or the whole ticket description plus the changes..
Updated by Joakim Lundberg about 14 years ago
A big vote for this one, and agreeing with Luiz Carlos, the first step could be a very simple (digest or not digest and the only digest is once a day option), then of course all the other features are nice but to get going just a simple digest mode would be very handy.
Updated by Drew Keller over 13 years ago
I ran a digest task on my Trac projects for the last 5 years using a script I found and highly modified. Now that I'm switching to Redmine, I went looking for something similar.
Seems like enough interest that a plugin should exist already. Well, now it does: http://www.redmine.org/plugins/digest
I had not written (or read) a lick of Ruby code until last week, so improvement patches are definitely welcome.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 12 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Category set to Email notifications
Updated by Carsten van Raalten over 11 years ago
Please also take a look at this solution/plugin. Instead of daily digests this plugin has more intelligence to notify you of 'issue-risks' up front.
Updated by Viktor Berke about 11 years ago
From what I've seen the available plugins are either of poor quality or simply incompatible, etc. So I decided to do it on my own. Unfortunately (?) I'm no Ruby expert so I just wrote some shell scripts to query the data directly from the DB. Here it is: