Feature #41500
closedSwap odd and even table row background colors
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Currently, odd-numbered rows in tables such as issues list and spent time list have a grey background, and even-numbered rows have a white background. This can result in a darker appearance when the table has a few rows, as the gray rows become more prominent. Additionally, the gray first row immediately follows the dark gray header, creating a visually heavy transition.
The attached patch swaps the background colors of even and odd table rows.
When a table has a few rows, it results in a darker appearance:
After swapping odd and even table row background colors:
When a table does not have a header, the first row looks like a header:
After swapping odd and even table row background colors:
Related issues
Updated by Go MAEDA 5 months ago
- Blocked by Patch #41509: Replace "even" and "odd" CSS classes with "this-month" and "other-month" for calendar days added