Defect #41721
closedPrincipal link text with special characters not displayed correctly after r23222
Expected behavior:
Actual behavior:
This problem appears to be caused by the link_to_principal
helper displaying principal names with double escaping after commit r23222.
Updated by Katsuya HIDAKA 5 months ago
- File 0001-Fixed-double-escaping-issue-for-a-principal-name-with-special-chars.patch 0001-Fixed-double-escaping-issue-for-a-principal-name-with-special-chars.patch added
- File 0002-Fixed-broken-link_to_principal-helper-test.patch 0002-Fixed-broken-link_to_principal-helper-test.patch added
I have attached a patch to fix this problem.
link_to_principal displaying principal names with double escaping after commit r23222.
The causes of the above are:
From: /redmine/app/helpers/application_helper.rb @ line 80 : 75: else 76: name = h(principal.to_s) 77: end 78: 79: css_classes += " #{options[:class]}" if css_classes && options[:class].present? => 80: binding.irb 81: url ? link_to(principal_icon( + name, url, :class => css_classes) : name 82: end 83: 84: # Displays a link to edit group page if current user is admin 85: # Otherwise display only the group name irb:001> name.html_safe? => true irb:002> name => "firstname<>' lastname&"" irb:003> (principal_icon( + name).html_safe? => false irb:004> h(principal_icon( + name) => "firstname&lt;&gt;&#39; lastname&amp;&quot;"
The name variable was marked as safe HTML on line 80, but it is now marked as unsafe HTML by addition of link_to(principal_icon(
on line 81. As a result, the link_to
method again escapes the name variable as unsafe HTML.
I have fixed this by removing all escaping of the text passed to the link_to
method in the link_to_principal
. The link_to method
escapes text by default.
redmine-app(dev)> helper.link_to("firstname<>'", 'url') => "<a href=\"url\">firstname<>'</a>"
The following test was failing after r23222, but it passes after applying the patch.
The second patch fixes the broken link_to_principal helper test due to r23222.
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU 5 months ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee set to Marius BĂLTEANU
First patch committed, thanks for reporting this.
For the second one, I've preferred a different assertion, please take a look at r23227.
Updated by Katsuya HIDAKA 5 months ago
Thank you for reviewing and merging the patch.
For the second one, I've preferred a different assertion, please take a look at r23227.
It looks good to me!