



Patch #42305


Changes watch button icon to eye image to align icon with function and improve visual clarity

Added by Katsuya HIDAKA about 6 hours ago.

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This patch applies the following changes to the watch button:

  1. Changes the watch button icon to a more common eye image, aligning its visual representation with its function, as seen in GitHub and Jira
  2. Unifies the meaning of the button icon and label to represent the "button action," improving the clarity of the watch button UI and standardizing button UI across Redmine

Before applying the patch:

Not Watching Watching

After applying the patch:

Not Watching Watching

The changes are also applied to the Wiki page's watch button.

Detailed changes

1. Changes the watch button icon to a more common eye image, aligning its visual representation with its function, as seen in GitHub and Jira

The watch function in Redmine appears to be similar to that in GitHub and Jira. In those services, the eye icon is typically used to represent the watch function.

Aligning Redmine's watch button UI with a more common watch function UI will help users, especially those new to Redmine, in understanding the purpose of the watch function.

2. Unifies the meaning of the button icon and label to represent the button action, improving the clarity of the watch button UI and standardizing button UI across Redmine

Redmine's watch button UI currently displays the icon and label with differing meanings. It also differs from the project bookmark button UI.

Button with State Icon Meaning Label Meaning
Watch Current State Button Action (Watch/Unwatch)
Bookmark Button Action (Add/Remove Bookmark) Button Action (Add/Remove Bookmark)

Project bookmark function:

Not Bookmarked Bookmarked

By changing the watch button icon to an image that represents the button action, the UI of stateful buttons will be unified across Redmine, as follows:

Button with State Icon and Label Meaning
Watch Button Action (Watch/Unwatch)
Bookmark Button Action (Add/Remove Bookmark)


After applying this patch, the star image and CSS classes (icon-fav, icon-fav-off) are no longer needed, but they have been retained for compatibility with 3rd party plugins and themes.

Additionally, all tests, including system tests, have been confirmed to pass with this patch applied.


watching-after.png (35.7 KB) watching-after.png Katsuya HIDAKA, 2025-02-23 04:23
not-watching-after.png (34.2 KB) not-watching-after.png Katsuya HIDAKA, 2025-02-23 04:23
not-watching-before.png (34.2 KB) not-watching-before.png Katsuya HIDAKA, 2025-02-23 04:23
watching-before.png (34.2 KB) watching-before.png Katsuya HIDAKA, 2025-02-23 04:23
bookmarked.png (3.08 KB) bookmarked.png Katsuya HIDAKA, 2025-02-23 04:23
not-bookmarked.png (2.73 KB) not-bookmarked.png Katsuya HIDAKA, 2025-02-23 04:23
0001-Changes-issue-watch-button-icon-to-eye-image-to-align-icon-with-function-and-improve-visual-clarity.patch (5.5 KB) 0001-Changes-issue-watch-button-icon-to-eye-image-to-align-icon-with-function-and-improve-visual-clarity.patch Katsuya HIDAKA, 2025-02-23 04:24

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