Defect #4243
closed{{include}} macro mangles HTML entities in <pre> blocks
Use of the include macro garbles HTML entities (specifically < and > characters that I noticed).
Steps to repeat:
1) Create an wiki page (of awesomeness)
blah blah blah stuff about the page <pre><code class="c"> FSLPoint p; FSLPoint o; o.x = 0; o.y = 0; FSLPoint s; s.x = 7; s.y = 7; for(p.x=0; p.x<8; ++p.x) for(p.y=0; p.y<8; ++p.y) board[FSLPointVectorize(&p, &o, &s)] = 0; </code>
2) use the include macro to include that page from another page
In the page that did the including, the < character shows up as ‹ but on the original page it shows up just fine.
First observed at FSPoint_vectorizationGuide and FSPoint_vectorizeWithOrigin_size as well as FSLPoint_Vectorize.
I think the include macro is washing the page through the HTML entities engine one too many times, but I can't be sure.
Updated by Oskar Nordquist about 15 years ago
Does anyone have a fix for this? I'd really appreciate a quick and dirty hack that solves this problem.
Updated by Mikhail Grinfeld almost 15 years ago
I have same issue:
I created template with
<pre> <some xml> </pre>
when I included it in other page, I found
<some xml>
I have redmine 0.9.2
Updated by Alvaro Herrera over 14 years ago
I have the same issue, though my problematic char of choice is & -- it gets escaped as &
Updated by Etienne Massip about 13 years ago
- Resolution set to Cant reproduce
Seems that it has been fixed, I can't reproduce?
Updated by Mischa The Evil about 13 years ago
Etienne Massip wrote:
Seems that it has been fixed, I can't reproduce?
Me neither...