



Feature #4246


Embedded plugin documentation template per project

Added by Thimios Dimopulos over 15 years ago. Updated over 15 years ago.

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I am running the latest stable redmine.

In the documentation of the Embedded plugin ( the following is to be read:

Default template: Default template (stylesheet and javascript) that will be used when displaying a file.
If you have more than one kind of document (eg. Doxygen and Rdoc files), the template to use can be detected based on the file's path. For example, a file located in a path that contain doxygen (as in the example above) will be automatically displayed with the Doxygen template.

So it thought that if a project has doxygen documentation, the documentation should be copied in a folder named like: /var/doc/{PROJECT}/html/doxygen and another project that has javadoc documentation should have it under: /var/doc/{PROJECT}/html/javadoc

This way the proper template out of doxygen, javadoc and rcov would then be chosen.

But what am i supposed to put in the HTML directory field of the plugin settings? I tried putting just /var/doc/{PROJECT}/html.

I then created doxygen documentation for a project named thimios under: /var/doc/thimios/html/doxygen

But the plugin complains that there is no index.html or any such file when i click on the embedded tab of the thimios project.


Actions #1

Updated by Mischa The Evil over 15 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Resolution set to Invalid

This should not have been filed as an issue since it's a support-request which is handled through the Redmine forum (specifically in the plugins-category of it).

Here comes a short hint though:

Thimios Dimopulos wrote:

So it thought that if a project has doxygen documentation, the documentation should be copied in a folder named like: /var/doc/{PROJECT}/html/doxygen and another project that has javadoc documentation should have it under: /var/doc/{PROJECT}/html/javadoc

This way the proper template out of doxygen, javadoc and rcov would then be chosen.

But what am i supposed to put in the HTML directory field of the plugin settings? I tried putting just /var/doc/{PROJECT}/html.

I then created doxygen documentation for a project named thimios under: /var/doc/thimios/html/doxygen

From PluginEmbedded too:

1. Go to Administration -> Information to configure the plugin:

  • HTML directory: enter the root directory where HTML files can be found for each project. You can use this tag: {PROJECT} in the path to represent the project identifier. The application need to have read access on this path.
    For example, this setting should be set to /var/{PROJECT}/doxygen if you have a directory structure like below, where foo and bar are 2 projects:
 | |-doxygen
 |  |-doc.html
 |  |-index.html


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