Feature #4551
openCurrent Version Field
I'd love there to be a current version field under the Admin Page, for redmine, trac already has this and you can run searches/filters across it.
Current version is effectively a pointer to another version.
- The current version cannot be a closed version, and will automatically update to the next-in-line version if the current is closed.
- Current version should be an option in filters, so that you can use it for referencing tickets.
Related issues
Updated by Thomas Pihl about 15 years ago
This wouldnt work for us. We have several projects and they have their own current version. It must be something on project level, not admin level.
I understand it works in trac since that is a single-project-tool.
Just my 0.02 SEK (swedish pesetas)
Updated by Josh Toft about 15 years ago
Sure, project level. Same idea. Still would be extremely useful.
Updated by Dipan Mehta almost 12 years ago
The first point is really dependent on workflow. In our systems, current version for 'bugs' is same as when it was found and hence should not be updated.
The second point is now possible out-of-the-box using custom field of type "version".
This issue should be closed now.