Defect #4668
closedLocalisation issue : trackers / status are not localisable
Hello, I use the 0.8.6.stable on debian linux.
it seems that trackers and status are not localisable.
we have different project with different locales, and localisation is an issue.
the only workaround i found is to create differents workflow, with duplicated trackers and status for different projects !! I'm not satisfied with that.
Do you plan a version with localisation for these tables (additional fields, trackers etc...)
other similar issue in the budget plugin, budget and rate are in USD only and cannot be setup in EUR...
Related issues
Updated by Philippe AUDIBERT about 15 years ago
I think this ticket : #3972 refer to the same problem...
Updated by Felix Schäfer about 15 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Duplicate
It is the same query, apart from the plugin. Please contact the author of the plugin for any requests for that.
Regarding the localization of statuses and other user-definable names: I think it's already mentioned in the other ticket, but long story short: redmine can't ship with translations for every imaginable status a user would create, nor is the idea to give the ability to users to input every other translation on the redmine page that compelling.
Depending on your ruby skills, you might be interested in a discussion I had some days ago on the forum outlining the steps to create a plugin that would provide a means to localize tracker names. Be warned though that it is more speculation than something I tried, and that you'd have a little more work to get it to work for statuses.
Updated by Luis Serrano Aranda about 14 years ago
This plugin makes the translation and works