Feature #4798
Bugzilla RPC compliant adapter
Added by Todd Nine almost 15 years ago.
Updated almost 14 years ago.
I personally feed that Redmine is quite superior to Jira and Bugzilla. However, a lot of software, such as Teamcity, Cruise Control all support integration with Bugzilla to pull issue descriptions and change logs for continuous integration. Given that the Bugzilla RPC api is widely accepted, are there any plans to implement a Buzilla RPC compliant adapter into Redmine? I think this would help with acceptance of redmine into enterprise operations such as ours.
Good lord that looks like a big API ( Assuming http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/3.0/html/api/ ).
Maybe the chances of someone implementing it would be increased if we could identify exactly what parts of the API are required by the applications mentioned above.
Indeed, Bugzilla or JIRA seems to have their API wideley implemented in third-party software. Personally, the integration with an IDE like NetBeans would be a huge step forward in our workflow.
NetBeans supports the Bugzilla bugtracker, and the ability to link a commit to a ticket and update it (without switching to a browser going to Redmine), which really improves the overall developer experience.
On more thing, about the Bugzilla API. The doc looks huge, but only the webservice namespace have to be implemented (Bugzilla::WebService).
XML-RPC and JSON are supported.
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