Feature #4951
open"Accept Ticket" Link When Viewing Issue
It would be great if there was a one-click process called "Accept Ticket" that:
- Assigned the Issue to the person clicking the link
- Changed the Status of the Issue to "In Progress"
- Fired a plugin event
I can think of several plugins that would want to be fired upon this event...
I may build a plugin that adds this link using one of the view_issues hooks, but i'm just learning ROR so it'd be faster if you did it :-)
Updated by Eric Davis about 15 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Wont fix
"Accepting" a ticket would be different for each organization so I don't think it would be good in the core. It could even be different for each project; for example on my Open Source projects I "accept" a ticket by assigning it to me, adding a target version, and changing the status. But on my client projects, I "accept" a ticket by assigning it to me only.
A plugin can use the existing hooks to add a button and call their own action. If there end up being several different plugins providing the "accept a ticket" workflow, then we can review putting a general feature into Redmine.
It's a good idea, just no way to make it work easily for all Redmine users.
Updated by Rafael Diaz-Tushman about 15 years ago
Ah, good point. But isn't the common denominator that the ticket gets assigned to you?
I think the main problem is that right now, if you want to claim a ticket (an extremely common task in issue management), you have to go through a 4-click process after the point of viewing an open issue:
- Click Update
- Click the "Assigned to" Select List
- Click your own name in the "Assigned to" select list (after finding it, which can be a pain on large projects)
- Click Save
when other apps, including Unfuddle, make this common task as simple as possible.
Just a thought:
In the global settings, under the repositories tab, Redmine currently has the ability to set some basic rules for "Referencing and fixing issues in commit messages".
Could we create a basic rules section for "Accepting" a ticket that operated similarly, except put it within each project's Settings?
This gives you the ability to create project-specific rules for what happens when you accept a ticket.
Updated by K. Scott Tripp almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from Closed to Reopened
I agree with Rafael. It doesn't make sense that a ticket can be accepted for someone by somebody else... when you accept a ticket the ownership should change to you. This is one thing that Trac got right.
Could we create a basic rules section for "Accepting" a ticket that operated similarly, except put it within each project's Settings?
I think that is a very valid solution to the problem posed by Eric, in that every organization has a different workflow.
Updated by Stefan Zugal almost 10 years ago
We were facing pretty much the same problem (migrating from TRAC and missing the accept button), so we created a plugin that does the accepting in one click (change status, change user, submit changes). It is neither much code nor very fancy, but perhaps you find it useful: https://www.redmine.org/plugins/accept