



Feature #5774


Auto schedule issues and Estimated end date for versions

Added by Hans Jakobsen over 14 years ago. Updated about 13 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


Calculating an "Estimated end date" for a version/milestone allows you to both track delays during the process and use it for the initial planning of due dates for the versions.

Making a real estimation of the end date requires automatic scheduling of the issues assigned to a programmer. This has another benefit that the Gantt diagram and Calender reflects what is actually on right now, so you always see an updated working plan. (it is quite annoying with the current solution that you have to re-assign dates for all issues every time something is not following the plan)

Here is how I think it should be done:
1) Each programmer specify how many hours he can work every week day (e.g. 8 hours mon-friday).
Preferably this layout of hours is put into the calender for this programmer so he can modify the planned hours for specific days (i.e. if he takes a day off, is on vacation or can work extra on specific days).

2) The start/due dates for the issues assigned to a programmer, is automatically re-assigned so each day is filled up, based on his hours set above. This happens every time the Status or %Done is changed for an issue. Only issues that are not yet i progress will have their start date re-calculated.
The workload (number of hours left) for Issues in progress is calculated from how many percent is completed.
Issues are assigned in the order they should be completed (first comming milestone/version first, and within a version: order by priority)
To do all this precisely it is required that Issues includes Time with their Start date. See issue #5458.

3) Under each milestone/version you can see both the due date (still manually assigned) and the expected date it will be completed.
Below is a list of all programmers that have issues assigned with this version. For each programmer you can see his expected end date. This allows the manager to quickly overview if one programmer is delaying the version - either because he is overloaded or is working to slow...
The "Expected end date" for this version is simply the end date for the programmer with the last expected end date.

4) The Gantt chart should reflects the updated dates and times for the issues, so the programmer can use it as a working plan and the manager can get a real time overview of the progress and planned tasks.

This feature references issue #1953
I consider this to be a very important feature. Please consider it for version 1.1.



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