Defect #6069
openNo Outgoing Mails when Customer creates Ticket via Mail
When a customer creates an Issue and the user is auto-generated (unknown_user=create) by the system, he will not get emails when issues are changed. Normal Users receive Mails with the changes of their own tickets.
Related issues
Updated by Brian Harty about 14 years ago
you could CC the users email address on the issue being emailed in(in my case emails come in from users of a website through a form so i just add their email address as a CC as the website sends the email). this will make him a watcher and so any updates to the ticket will be mailed to the person who created the ticket. This doesnt send the issue created email to the user however but i believe that is an issue being addressed in the related issues on this ticket.
Updated by Daniel Black about 12 years ago
private projects aren't visible to non-members #13287.
A solution is possible since r11522 was committed. The how follows.
The mail script can create the new users in a named group.
The global settings need to be set Email notifications, Default notification option to something so the user will receive email.
You need to create a role that has "Issues visibility" , "issues created by or assigned to the user" with permissions View Issues and Add notes for completeness.
One of the --default-group that that the mail script specifies should have the above role on the project.
And done, the response will be sent to the originating user.
r11525 adds a --no-account-notice which is also useful.
This can be closed now.
Updated by Guy Van Sanden almost 2 years ago
I tried to set up this workflow, but it does not work. No mails get sent out
Updated by Guy Van Sanden almost 2 years ago
Guy Van Sanden wrote in #note-4:
I tried to set up this workflow, but it does not work. No mails get sent out
Redmine 5 BTW