



Defect #6069


No Outgoing Mails when Customer creates Ticket via Mail

Added by Alfons L. over 14 years ago. Updated almost 2 years ago.

Email notifications
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When a customer creates an Issue and the user is auto-generated (unknown_user=create) by the system, he will not get emails when issues are changed. Normal Users receive Mails with the changes of their own tickets.

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Defect #4228: no notification on issue creation by mail with redmine:email:receive_imapClosed2009-11-17

Related to Redmine - Feature #13341: Mail handler: --no-notification option to disable notifications to the created userClosedJean-Philippe Lang

Related to Redmine - Feature #8497: Email response/updates to external client who submitted the issueNew2011-06-02

Actions #1

Updated by Brian Harty about 14 years ago

you could CC the users email address on the issue being emailed in(in my case emails come in from users of a website through a form so i just add their email address as a CC as the website sends the email). this will make him a watcher and so any updates to the ticket will be mailed to the person who created the ticket. This doesnt send the issue created email to the user however but i believe that is an issue being addressed in the related issues on this ticket.

Actions #2

Updated by Daniel Black about 12 years ago

private projects aren't visible to non-members #13287.

A solution is possible since r11522 was committed. The how follows.

The mail script can create the new users in a named group.

The global settings need to be set Email notifications, Default notification option to something so the user will receive email.

You need to create a role that has "Issues visibility" , "issues created by or assigned to the user" with permissions View Issues and Add notes for completeness.

One of the --default-group that that the mail script specifies should have the above role on the project.

And done, the response will be sent to the originating user.

r11525 adds a --no-account-notice which is also useful.

This can be closed now.

Actions #3

Updated by Daniel Black about 12 years ago

related #13341

Actions #4

Updated by Guy Van Sanden almost 2 years ago

I tried to set up this workflow, but it does not work. No mails get sent out

Actions #5

Updated by Guy Van Sanden almost 2 years ago

Guy Van Sanden wrote in #note-4:

I tried to set up this workflow, but it does not work. No mails get sent out

Redmine 5 BTW


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