Feature #7246
closedHandle "named branch" for mercurial
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
Mercurial has a concept of branches inside the same repository (as opposed to "use another repository as branch"). Currently, redmine only 'sees' the main branch and not the other ones.
Handling the named branches would mean:- see commits from those branches in the repository tab (/projects/xx/repository/, /projects/xx/repository/revisions, individual file revision logs, ...)
- use commits on those branches when matching for 'fixes' 'refs' and other actions
Related issues
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 14 years ago
- File hg-root.png hg-root.png added
- File hg-1.1-stable-rev.png hg-1.1-stable-rev.png added
- File hg-1.1-stable-url-path.png hg-1.1-stable-url-path.png added
- File hg-1.1-stable-file.png hg-1.1-stable-file.png added
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Target version set to 1.2.0
- % Done changed from 70 to 0
- Resolution set to Fixed
We finished implementing the feature of Mercurial named branches browsing based on git branches implementation in #1406.
These are images of Redmine hgsubversion mirror.
There is a discussion about the top page of a repository.
Please see #7984.
use commits on those branches when matching for 'fixes' 'refs' and other actions
I can not understand your request.
Please create new issue with descriptions in detail.