Defect #7254
Installation for Ubuntu is crap
Added by Haug Bürger about 14 years ago.
Updated about 14 years ago.
Hard words but how to test software if you are not even able to install it? For me this is a total loss of functionality.
Usually on Debian/Ubuntu you select a package and install it and have the software available. At least the Ubuntu packages do not require the Apache. The dependencies are missing. Not to mention the preferred apache module.
If you don't have it, nothing works at all. Then you stumble over the Redmine-wiki, you can install it with (cgi) but it doesn't work. You have an alternative which did not work for me too. Decide for one plugin and make it work!
Debian/Ubuntu has a wonderful package system. For me there is no excuse for installation instruction where you manually need to create links. I expect to install a package and it simply works.
Ok, the Ubuntu support is crap lets search a Windows installer. I couldn't find one.
You Ruby geeks, hit the real world. There are people that simply want to use software. After two hours of fiddling around I was not able to reach one of promising features of the web site.
You do realize that the Ubuntu community packages Ubuntu packages? Just like how the Fedora community packages Fedora packages.
The redmine community plays no role here. If you are unsatisfied then contribute your own package to the Ubuntu repository.
Anyways, if you want a real easy installer just to try redmine, you should consider bitnami.
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Affected version (unused) deleted (
- Resolution set to Invalid
- Affected version deleted (
Haug Bürger wrote:
You Ruby geeks, hit the real world. There are people that simply want to use software. After two hours of fiddling around I was not able to reach one of promising features of the web site.
Come on... Ubuntu users should hit the real world too :) There are at least 15 major packaging systems I can think of, so it's up to each distribution community to provide correct packages for its users.
You can ask for help on the forum, if you're polite maybe we could help you make everything work, it's not that difficult.
I close the ticket as there's no relation with redmine core.
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