Feature #8462
openSave received email as an attachment, not as a comment
The "receive email" feature (http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/RedmineReceivingEmails) is really a great thing.
At the moment it is only possible to add received emails as a comment and mail attachments as Redmine attachments.
I'd like to have an option that these mails itself are saved as an attachment to the issue, e.g. in .msg or .eml format.
We mostly store email correspondency to the issues, but this results in long scrolling pages.
Related issues
Updated by Rachid B over 11 years ago
It is really useful to have mails saved as an attachment. Redmine stripes a lot of information from the mails. So for example if the client marks some parts in the mail with red, this information is lost in the issue.
A solution like in http://redminecrm.com/projects/helpdesk/pages/ would be very helpful
Updated by Joe Darkless over 10 years ago
- File email.patch email.patch added
I have tweaked a functionality of redmine so that it will store an email as an attachement if there is a HTML content.
I have created patch file (though I am quite new to making patches). It is created for redmine version 2.4.5, but it can easily be customized for any purposes.
This feature request has few things in common with issue: http://www.redmine.org/issues/16962
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 10 years ago
- Related to Feature #16962: Better handle html-only emails added
Updated by Arron Woods about 9 years ago
Was looking for this functionality, but didn't want to patch the file.
I've written a plugin that uses the code in Joe's patch, but that also saves the HTML as one attachment, and the full email source as another. If anyone is interested in using it, I've submitted it to the plugin directory: https://www.redmine.org/plugins/email-attach
Updated by Aleksandar Pavic about 5 years ago
+1 This should be configurable in options.
Many people using Redmine as support system, need exact time email was sent.
Information if there was cc in email headers, etc...
Updated by Dominique Deschenes 6 days ago
+1 we are looking for a way to save emails as attachments to the issues in .eml format.