Defect #8555
openGroup results by and sort for more than one field don't work
I have create my custom queries, grouping results by priority and sort by
Priority Asc
aCustomField (integer) Desc
This don't work because I set the customFielt to numeric values 1, 2, 3 and redmine don't sort the buhs with same priority using this customField.
Expected result:
priority Immediate
bug1 (customfield =1)
bug2 (customfield =2)
Updated by pasquale [:dedalus] almost 14 years ago
More informations:
I have set default value of customfield to 100 (and min=1 and max =100).
All bugs that I haven't touched has this default value to 100. When I raise my custom query (with customfield visible) I see that the query don't display the default value and then maybe redmine sort first the "null" customfield (but isn't null, is 100) and after the bug with customfield <100
Updated by pasquale [:dedalus] almost 14 years ago
could be related or dupe of bug #5778?