



Patch #8594


pt-BR translation update

Added by Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas over 13 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

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0001-pt-BR-translation-updates.patch (3.98 KB) 0001-pt-BR-translation-updates.patch Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas, 2011-06-11 20:55

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Patch #9129: Improve wording of Git repository note at project settingClosedToshi MARUYAMA2011-08-26

Actions #1

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 90

I committed in trunk r6068 and 1.2-stable r6069 excluding text_git_repository_note.

  • en: Bare and local repository
  • pt-BR: um repositório local do tipo bare

It seems um is equivalent English a.
Is this translation correct?

Please see r5167.

Actions #2

Updated by Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas over 13 years ago

You're correct about "um" -> "a". Translating software is a hard task with these tools (YAML) because we can't know the context.

For instance in the phrase "Bulk edit time log" we have to guess if "edit" here is a verb or a noun in which case they should be translated differently ("alterar" and "alteração"). The only way to know the context is to look at source code but this is not feasible for me to do it for every sentence like this.

Regarding the "um" -> "a", some sentences in Portuguese require the article while starting a sentence or the phrase will sound weird.

Let's consider this case: "Bare and local repository". I don't know if there is any word that translates the meaning of bare in the git context. A dictionary will say that it means "nú" (also "Nude" in English). This is not clear for git users. Unless someone comes with a better translation, I would rather prefer to keep "bare" as git users are familiar with the word, even if they are Brazilian. This should avoid any confusion caused by the translation.

So, the translation was something like this:

"A local repository of kind 'bare'"

Is it ok?

Actions #3

Updated by Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas over 13 years ago

I think I guess what you're talking about. This sentence is to ask for the path of the repository, right? Shouldn't the English sentence be like below?

"Local path to the bare repository"

Actions #4

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 13 years ago

Actions #5

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 13 years ago

Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas wrote:

I think I guess what you're talking about. This sentence is to ask for the path of the repository, right? Shouldn't the English sentence be like below?

"Local path to the bare repository"

Thank you for your advise.
Should I change it?

Actions #6

Updated by Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas over 13 years ago

I'm leaving to a party now. I'll take a look at the source tomorrow to see where this code is being used. If that is really the intention (I think it is because we use Redmine - now we're using Chiliproject because the reference source is in Git instead of Subversion - and I've already configured some git repositories), then I think we should change it. :)

Actions #7

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 13 years ago

Thank you.
I am waiting your conclusion.
Japan is Sunday morning, now.

Actions #8

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 13 years ago

I want to change text_mercurial_repository_note.

"repositório local" -> "Repositório local"

Is this correct?

Actions #9

Updated by Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas over 13 years ago

Hi Toshi, "local" in English translates to "local" in Portuguese, but the order is changed: "Local repository" => "Repositório local".

Regarding the git statement, I think we should change the original phrase. Take a look at app/helpers/repositories_helper.rb, in git_field_tags method:

content_tag('p', form.text_field(
                       :url, :label => l(:field_path_to_repository),
                       :size => 60, :required => true,
                       :disabled => (repository && !repository.root_url.blank?)
                         ) +
                      '<br />' + l(:text_git_repository_note)) +

It is analogous for Mercurial repositories. Notice that the field name is "field_path_to_repository" while the text doesn't include the "path" word.

I think this should be changed to:

# original

text_git_repository_note: "Bare and local repository (e.g. /gitrepo, c:\gitrepo)" 
text_mercurial_repository_note: "Local repository (e.g. /hgrepo, c:\hgrepo)" 
# proposed change

text_git_repository_note: "Bare and local repository path (e.g. /gitrepo, c:\gitrepo)" 
text_mercurial_repository_note: "Local repository path (e.g. /hgrepo, c:\hgrepo)" 
# proposed translations to pt-BR

text_git_repository_note: "Caminho para o repositório local do tipo 'bare' (ex.: /gitrepo, c:\gitrepo)" 
text_mercurial_repository_note: "Caminho para o repositório local (ex.: /hgrepo, c:\hgrepo)" 

Sorry for answering late, but I completely forgot today is Valentine's day in Brazil ;)

Actions #10

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 13 years ago

  • Assignee set to Toshi MARUYAMA
Actions #11

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

#9129 has git note improvement.
So, I close this issue.


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