Feature #9618
opencreate several issues in one REST API request
my application creates many issues in Redmine. here's my performance testing results with Redmine 1.2.1:
Saving 200 tasks to Redmine takes 8m:35s (515 sec) on our test server (a pretty slow machine), which
gives around ~2.3sec/task.Loading 200 tasks takes 6 seconds. Save/load speed changes pretty much linearly when tasks number changes.
(I published it here http://taskadapter.com/taskadapter_info )
is it possible to add "bulk save" to Redmine's REST API?
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 13 years ago
- Category set to REST API
This is really slow. On my dev box with webrick, it takes 14s to create 200 issues using the API (~ 0.07s/task).
Updated by Alex Last over 13 years ago
more info: I keep test Redmine instances on a single-core pentium4 ~3 Ghz server with 2 Gb of RAM (shared with many other apps). "create issue" requests are sent from another machine. My test Redmine has a few thousand issues.
Updated by Alex Last over 13 years ago
btw, do you use XML or JSon? I use XML only.
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 13 years ago
XML, my instance has > 10k issues and is running on a vm with 1GB of RAM and 1 core of my i7.