Feature #9715
openUpdate issue done ratio from commit message
Redmine already supports "fixing" issues which updates done ratio to 100% and closes the ticket, but I'd like to also be able to update the done ratio and status in other cases as well. The status would be set to a configured status (e.g. "In Progress" in my case) and the done ratio updated and the issue journal updated with a note including the full commit message.
Proposed syntax is @X% so it is consistent with time logging but does not conflict. It must come after the issue ref and before the time logging.
The issue note is added regardless of if the issue progress or status was changed. That is, if a done ratio is given the issue gets a note unless the issue was previously closed in which case there is no additional action. This way the person committing knows that unless the issue is closed it will get updated.
I'm working on a patch that adds the feature. Thoughts?
Updated by Colin Mollenhour over 13 years ago
- File redmine-9715.diff redmine-9715.diff added
- % Done changed from 0 to 70
Patch was pretty simple, currently only lacking making the status to update to configurable. I updated the regexes to use non-capturing groups unless a capture was actually needed.
Updated by Mischa The Evil over 13 years ago
Updated by Thimios Dimopulos about 13 years ago
Is there a possibility to implement updating the done ratio through a commit message?