Defect #9875
openMoving parent task leaves subtasks behind
I am having a problem moving parent task between version numbers. Suppose you have a list of issues with parent and subtasks. You then group these issues by version number, to render a hierarchy like so:
Version 1.0
Parent task 1
Parent task 2
- Subtask 2.1
- Subtask 2.2
Parent task 3
If you then Ctrl-click parent task 2 and change it's version number from Backlog to Version 1.0. Here's what happens:
Version 1.0
Parent task 2
Parent task 1
Subtask 2.1
Subtask 2.2
Parent task 3
Notice that Subtask 2.1 and Subtask 2.2 have been left behind! I think it makes sense that if you move a Parent task, all subtasks should follow.
Related issues
Updated by Daniel Albuschat about 13 years ago
I started a discussion regarding this topic in the forums:
Also, #9972 is a similar (at least related) issue.
Updated by Sebastian Paluch about 9 years ago
I disagree. I can easily imagine a parent task that, in total, is very big. I know that entire functionality that the task is delivering should be released in "Version 1" but subtasks can be released for testing much earlier in beta releases.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 9 years ago
- Related to Feature #6117: subtasks default to parent issue target version added