Feature #9898
closedWiki translation
If you have a wiki, you can't use the same page with differents translations.
You must create another page for each translation.
- Readme (in english)
- FrReadme (in french)
If one user access to your wiki with a « french browser », this user will see a redmine interface in french, but the content of the wiki will be in english.
This user must click on FrReadme link to access to the french version of the page.
I have a proposition, on wiki page editing, add a list like the « target version » list available on issue editing. By default, the selected language is the application default language.
So, if the administrator will translate his page in french, he can:
- he clic on the add button,
- he select a translation language,
- and redmine will show a blank textarea field.
Administrator manage one page.
User see the page in his language (if it available).
Related issues
Updated by Etienne Massip about 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Duplicate
Closed as duplicate of #9601 (which might already be a duplicate).