Feature #9601
openMulti language wiki
Dear Developers,
I think one important missing feature is to support multiple languages in the wiki.
Each wiki page could exist in one or more languages. The user should see the page in his most prefered language, if available. In Switzerland, for example, we have 4 offical country languages plus English. Providing some or all pages in those languages by naming them 'page1_EN', 'page1_FR', ... might be a solution, but the suffix should be hidden from the user and the proper language should automatically be picked when the user opens the wiki page 'page1'.
Best, Peter
Related issues
Updated by Richard Wonka about 13 years ago
Supported. This is a missing feature for our purposes.
Updated by luigifab ! almost 13 years ago
So, what next?
This feature will be implemented?
Updated by Fabian Strasser over 10 years ago
This feature would save me quite some time and thus be highly welcome.
We started the system in German but would now like to share its content with our international outposts which are mostly capable of English. So I'd be a great deal to be able to add translations to each Wiki page and either choose from the languages available like at Wikipedia or simply redirect the user to their preferred language from their personal settings.
Updated by Robert Schneider over 9 years ago
in the last few days I have translated some wiki pages on redmine.org. And I thought it would be nice if readers could see in the sidebar in which language the page is also available (with a link of course).
Would it be possible to provide a wiki macro that allows setting links in the sidebar? With this en editor could add links (just) manually. So no logic is there to create pages for other languages. But it would allow to set any kind of helpful relating links, what is IMO a quite flexible approach.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 9 years ago
- Related to Feature #20435: Search wiki in specific languages added
Updated by Anh Le Giang almost 9 years ago
+ 1
I think this should be the core feature.
Updated by luigifab ! about 8 years ago
+10 :)
A way to do that.
If we can add a dropdown for page language, we can do that:
- First, I create the page my_page in French.
If user go to example.org/projects/name/wiki/my_page.
Redmine redirect user to fr/my_page (because my_page exist).
- Now I create the page my_page in English.
If user go to example.org/projects/name/wiki/my_page.
Redmine redirect the user with the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE:
- to fr/my_page if the user like French in his HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE,
- to en/my_page if the user like English in his HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE,
- to en/my_page if the user like other language in his HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE.
Updated by luigifab ! about 8 years ago
Is this feature will be planned this year? (to not loose my time to try to create a plugin)
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 7 years ago
- Related to Feature #26593: Change language by url parameter added
Updated by Jean Storme over 5 years ago
luigifab ! wrote:
Is this feature will be planned this year? (to not loose my time to try to create a plugin)
Hi ! Did you finaly wrote a plugin for that ?
Updated by luigifab ! over 5 years ago
Hello, I search a little, and... I have removed Redmine and created a little PHP website with a CSV file :D
Updated by Vincent LRF over 4 years ago
As a leader of a french team, this feature could be great to make documentation in our native langage and in english without adding "_FR" behind all pages...