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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
5078 Redmine Feature New Documental Repository vía JCR 2010-03-15 09:57 Actions
5073 Redmine Feature New Method of dealing with spam registrations 2012-09-05 13:57 Accounts / authentication Actions
5071 Redmine Defect New, setting RedmineCacheCredsMax option causes Apache 2.2.14 to exit on startup 2011-03-24 08:00 SCM extra Actions
5070 Redmine Defect New does not allow Administrators to access svn repositories 2012-05-09 14:21 SCM extra Actions
5065 Redmine Patch New Importing wiki with different encoding 2010-03-15 17:17 Importers Actions
5059 Redmine Feature New "Delete own attachments" permission 2024-09-09 10:57 Permissions and roles Actions
5054 Redmine Feature New Provide directive to override RedmineQuery 2011-03-24 06:21 SCM extra Actions
5053 Redmine Defect New Project deletion thinks 2 projects are related 2011-08-31 09:00 Projects Actions
5052 Redmine Feature New Show attachments of all issues, wikipages, messages etc. to administrators or managers 2011-12-05 00:39 Attachments Actions
5035 Redmine Patch New Migrate from trac - Errors in wiki formating 2010-11-13 04:54 Importers Actions
5031 Redmine Feature New Presentation of issue dependencies in a roadmap 2010-03-10 21:07 Roadmap Actions
5029 Redmine Feature New Add discussion thread for each wiki page 2010-03-10 09:57 Wiki Actions
5027 Redmine Patch New hook in the mail_handler 2011-03-24 10:53 Email receiving Actions
5026 Redmine Feature New Description field for Status/Role/Tracker setting. 2015-03-25 20:46 Custom fields Actions
5020 Redmine Defect New Advanced Subversion Integration Howto is confusing 2010-03-09 20:41 Documentation Actions
5016 Redmine Defect New link_to_if_authorized does not display an authorized linke if passing a named url 2011-03-16 20:14 UI Actions
5010 Redmine Feature New Hours per project per user 2012-03-29 19:09 Roadmap Actions
5009 Redmine Feature New Add an option to set a custom field as unique 2021-11-17 14:19 Custom fields Actions
4994 Redmine Defect New Issue global custom fields should be available in filters only for their trackers 2010-03-08 07:34 Custom fields Actions
4992 Redmine Feature New Add printer friendly version of pages 2016-08-07 17:53 UI Actions
4989 Redmine Feature New Validate time entry hours based on a configurable regular expression 2010-03-18 15:52 Time tracking Actions
4987 Redmine Feature New Convert internal URLs to canonic wiki links 2010-03-04 23:15 Wiki Actions
4980 Redmine Feature New Reference to a commit in a different project 2010-03-03 20:54 Actions
4979 Redmine Patch New Human readable Time for the issue table 2019-02-15 18:50 UI Actions
4977 Redmine Patch New LDAP user cant change username and email 2010-03-03 17:30 LDAP Actions
(3901-3925/4772) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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