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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
4282 Redmine Feature New Support for a) b) c) enumeration in wiki 2013-04-09 14:41 Text formatting Actions
4280 Redmine Feature New Reporting capabilities 2009-11-24 17:04 Roadmap Actions
4277 Redmine Patch New Add "hide prefixed projectname from issuesubject on issuelist" setting 2010-11-14 01:03 Administration Actions
4269 Redmine Feature New Allow ca_path option for reposman.rb to validate peer certificate 2009-12-04 15:05 Actions
4267 Redmine Feature New <code> block improvements 2012-09-18 23:03 Text formatting Actions
4262 Redmine Patch New Bazaar: correct renames handling, other improvements 2012-09-27 20:35 SCM Actions
4257 Redmine Defect New Broken support for Principal plugins 2013-01-13 21:04 Plugin API Actions
4249 Redmine Feature New Generate report by custom fields on a project 2014-01-15 20:57 Custom fields Actions
4247 Redmine Feature New Link custom fields 2024-01-19 15:58 Custom fields Actions
4238 Redmine Feature New Have files be a complete, aggregated list of all documents in that project 2014-05-23 21:42 Attachments Actions
4237 Redmine Feature New Default View for Documents 2009-11-19 20:35 Documents Actions
4230 Redmine Feature New Add support for patronymics / middle names. 2011-09-14 13:51 Accounts / authentication Actions
4222 Redmine Feature New LDAP, receive_imap, unknown_user=create 2012-12-03 09:17 LDAP Actions
4212 Redmine Feature New Documents and Wiki tied to Redmine Versions 2009-11-13 06:23 Documents Actions
4191 Redmine Feature New Adding spent time through emails 2009-11-28 13:16 Email receiving Actions
4185 Redmine Feature New Add ClearCase SCM support 2011-08-19 04:09 SCM Actions
4162 Redmine Feature New Allow static urls for searches 2009-11-03 21:39 Search engine Actions
4156 Redmine Feature New Auto-route to project page when user has only one project 2013-02-20 12:07 Projects Actions
4141 Redmine Defect New Attachments added in a comment via email are not displayed in the ticket history 2009-11-28 13:16 Email receiving Actions
4138 Redmine Feature Needs feedback Add spent time comments in search 2021-09-06 21:59 Search engine Actions
4128 Redmine Feature New Copy project settings to subprojects 2009-11-16 17:25 Projects Actions
4124 Redmine Feature New LDAP integration 2022-10-11 08:42 LDAP Actions
4111 Redmine Feature New integrate Issues with basecamp TODO 2009-11-09 16:31 Actions
4101 Redmine Feature New Ability to prevent a news item from appearing in the front page and the central news feed. 2009-10-24 13:02 News Actions
4091 Redmine Feature New "Comment" link for issues 2009-11-08 10:39 UI Actions
(4051-4075/4768) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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