


Defect #37407

Updated by Holger Just over 2 years ago

     I'm helping to convert a customer from old redmine version 2.5.3 to 4.2.4 

     They have a custom spreadsheet with VBA/Macros making updates to Issues in Redmine via REST API REST.API and @issues.xml@ issues.xml call.    The spreadsheet has multiple issue records in it that need to be updated from status "new" to status "part pulled" 

 When the routine runs to update the first issue record I see the query come into redmine in the production.log as seen production log see below.    Redmine responds with code "204 no content". This    this query works fine in the old version of redmine but not in the new version.    Need some help here. I blanked out the key for security purposes. 

 The record status is actually successfully updated in redmine oddly enough for the first issue record in the list.    so maybe this is just a simple return code bug? The    the spreadsheet VBA/Macro gets the bad return code and bombs out.    The remaining records in the spreadsheet don't get updated in Redmine then.    I can provide the spreadsheet info if necessary.  

 There are some custom fields in this deployment but not a ton. 

 Started DG 

 ppStarted PUT "/issues/18610.xml?key=##########################" for at 2022-07-12 17:48:55 -0400 
 Processing by IssuesController#update as XML 
   Parameters: {"issue"=>{"status_id"=>"11", "description"=>nil, "custom_fields"=>[{"id"=>"2", "value"=>"False"}, {"id"=>"3", "value"=>nil}, {"id"=>"4", "value"=>nil}, {"id"=>"5", "value"=>nil}, {"id"=>"6", "value"=>nil}, {"id"=>"9", "value"=>nil}, {"id"=>"10", "value"=>nil}]}, "key"=>"################################", "id"=>"18610"} 
   Current user: Michael (id=4) 
 Completed 204 No Content in 123ms (ActiveRecord: 38.8ms) 

   Redmine version                  4.2.4.stable.21431 
   Ruby version                     2.7.2-p137 (2020-10-01) [x86_64-linux] 
   Rails version           
   Environment                      production 
   Database adapter                 Mysql2 
   Mailer queue                     ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::AsyncAdapter 
   Mailer delivery                  smtp 
   Subversion                       1.13.0 
   Git                              2.25.1 
 Redmine plugins: 
   redmine_banner                   0.3.4 
   redmine_close_button             0.0.8 
   redmine_contacts                 4.3.4 
   redmine_dmsf                     2.4.11 
   redmine_wktime                   4.5 
   view_customize                   3.0.0 
