


Defect #40346

Updated by Holger Just 7 months ago

Hi. I saw this error on browser console: 

 <code class="javascript"> 
 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ';' (at new:604:37) 

 When I checked the source of the error, I found this line: 

 <code class="javascript"> 
 if (assign_to_me_link.length &gt; 0) { 

 That is defined in `app/views/issues/_form.html.erb` like this: 

 <code class="javascript"> 
 if (assign_to_me_link.length > 0) { 

 So obviously the @>@ '>' character is converting to <code>&gt;</code>. '&gt;'. I don't know is this related to Rails or Redmine itself, but If you think this issue is unrelated, please note below, and I will submit it to rails developers (if no one submitted it before).
