Defect #42004
Updated by Holger Just 4 days ago
Hello. I've upgraded my Redmine to verison 6.0.2 Now when i go to Projects on my Redmine instance, I get following error in logs: <pre> ``` ActionView::Template::Error (Alias parsing was not enabled. To enable it, pass `aliases: true` to `Psych::load` or `Psych::safe_load`.): </pre> ``` My file configs: my snippet of /usr/src/redmine/config/application.rb looks like this: <pre> ``` config.active_record.store_full_sti_class = true config.active_record.default_timezone = :local config.active_record.yaml_column_permitted_classes = [ Date, Time, *Set* , Symbol, ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, 1 ActionController::Parameters 2 ] </pre> ``` And in /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/psych.rb I have: <pre> ``` def self.safe_load yaml, permitted_classes: [], permitted_symbols: [], aliases: *true* , filename: nil, fallback: nil, symbolize_names: false, freeze: false, strict_integer: false </pre> ``` This would previously help me with aliases/parsing problems in 5.1.3 but does not help in Redmine 6.0.2 Is there anything I could do to make it work? Thanks.