


Defect #30949

Updated by Marius BÄ‚LTEANU over 5 years ago

I am using Redmine for controlling the development of an application inside the company I work for. I am just about to close the last release and realised that, even though one of the issues included in this version is still at 90%, the roadmap is showing me that the version is completed. 

 See screenshots for more details. 

 This is the information about our Redmine Installation: 
   Redmine version                  3.4.8.stable 
   Ruby version                     2.3.3-p222 (2016-11-21) [x86_64-linux-gnu] 
   Rails version                    4.2.11 
   Environment                      production 
   Database adapter                 Mysql2 
   Git                              2.11.0 
 Redmine plugins: 
   a_common_libs                    2.4.7 
   easy_gantt                       1.10 
   easy_mindmup                     1.0 
   easy_wbs                         1.5 
   redmine_base_deface              0.0.1 
   redmine_default_assign           0.6 
   redmine_editauthor               0.11.0 
   redmine_extended_watchers        1.0.5 
   redmine_issue_history            1.0.0 
   redmine_issue_templates          0.2.0 
   redmine_query_share              2.1.0 
   redmine_refresh                  0.2.0 
   unread_issues                    2.2.0 

 We use MariaDB as database 

 It is not a big deal for us, but it may be interesting fro you to know. 

 All the best
