


TYPO3 Forge runs Redmine

Added by Jean-Philippe Lang over 16 years ago

TYPO3 is a free, feature rich and widely used content management system written in PHP.

The TYPO3 team have chosen Redmine for their new Forge:

For the coordination of the TYPO3 5.0 development efforts, we used to run a Trac installation which hosted our issue tracker, code browser and a wiki. But we were really missing some important features (like being able to set up sub projects) and were looking for alternatives. Fortunately, Martin Herr came across a tool called "Redmine" which looked very promising.

So we created a new website - the TYPO3 Forge. Its purpose is to centralize TYPO3's development projects and provide a home for teams who are in need of an issue tracker, code browser and subversion. Although currently accommodates only TYPO3 5.0 and FLOW3 related projects, we structured it open enough to be ready for the TYPO3 v4 team and other projects.

Read the full announcement written by Robert Lemke.


Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago

Yeah! What a great showcase for redmine!

It demonstrates that redmine is easily customisable, and ready for real life.

Time for a "who's using redmine" page?

Added by Eric Davis over 16 years ago

Awesome, I love the theming. I've used Redmine for my business and Open Source projects since July 2007 and it's great.

Added by Jonathan Whetsell over 16 years ago

Wow! Looks fantastic and congrats!

I've been monitoring Redmines progress over the past few months and its fantastic.

I searched for a few weeks for a redmine type site and finally found redmine.

Im really interested in themes. Is the TYPO3 Forge theme available or instructions on how they implemented it?

Added by Mark Gallop over 16 years ago

Yep, really nice look and so fast!!

Congrats Redmine devs.