


Plugins Directory » Kanban Tool

Author: Ewald Kleefstra
Code repository:
Registered on: 2017-09-14 (almost 7 years ago)
Current version: 1.0.1
Compatible with: Redmine 3.1.x
User ratings:   (0)

A plugin connecting with Redmine by letting users choose to automatically add an entry into Kanban Tool when creating a new issue.


  • Give permission to use the plugin to user roles and projects (as module)
  • Control the access to each Kanban board by user role
  • Hide stages/swimlanes
  • Hide/deactivate certain input types such as the description for a new Kanban entry
  • Option to pass new Redmine issue ID to a Kanban custom field

Installation notes

1. Setting up Kanban Tool Plugin

1.1 Creating an API Token

To give the plugin access to your Kanban Tool, you first need an API Token. In case you already have one, proceed to step 1.2.

  1. Go to the Dashboard of your Kanban Tool website
  2. Open your profile go to API access
  3. Generate an API token
  4. Make sure that your account has access to all the boards you want, as the API token will limit the plugin's access to these boards

1.2 Entering API Token & Domain

  1. Go to Administration page of your Redmine installation
  2. Then to Plugins > Kanban Tool > Configure to access the plugin's settings page
  3. Enter the API Token and domain of your Kanban Tool
  4. Having made your changes, all your boards will be loaded into the plugin's settings page

1.3 Hiding Stages/Swimlanes

To hide stages and swimlanes, simply check the boxes next to them. They will not appear on the New issue page of Redmine and can not be used anymore.

1.4 User Role for Board Access

Each board can be assigned to multiple user roles. However, the roles need to have the Kanban Tool permission. See 1.2 on how to set up. Roles with this permission will appear in the plugin's settings page. Once assigned, only users with the allowed user role will have the option to create a ticket in the respective board.

1.5 Hiding Input Fields

To hide an input field, follow the same procedure as 1.3.

  • As a Kanban title is necessary in order to create a new Kanban entry, the title of the Redmine ticket will be used if hidden.
  • If the "stage" field is hidden, a new Kanban entry will be placed in the most left of the corresponding Kanban board.
  • If the "swimlane" field is hidden, a new Kanban entry will be placed in the top of the corresponding Kanban board.
  • If "stage" and "swimlane" are hidden, a new Kanban entry appears in the top left corner.

2. Using Kanban Tool Plugin

2.1 Activating the Kanban Tool Module for a Project

The plugin can be activated separately for each Redmine project. To do so, go to Administration > Projects > [your_project] > Modules and check Kanban Tool.

2.2 Giving Kanban Tool Permission to User Roles

In order to use the Kanban Tool plugin, a user needs to have a user role with the Use Kanban Tool permission. To give a user role the Use Kanban Tool permission, go to Administration > Roles and permissions > [your_user_role] and check the Use Kanban Tool box.

2.3 Creating a new Kanban Entry with Redmine

Before you proceed, make sure that:

  • The current project you are in has the Kanban Tool module activated (see 2.1)
  • You are logged in with a user role that has the Use Kanban Tool permission (see 2.2)
  • Your user role is assigned to at least one board (see 1.4)
  1. Go to the New issue page to create a new issue in Redmine
  2. A new panel in the bottom section will appear
  3. Select your Kanban options and enter/select data (depending on your settings)
  4. If no board is chosen, no Kanban entry will be created

3. Third party acknowledgements

This plugin is completely independent from


1.0.1 (2017-10-18)

Compatible with Redmine 3.1.x.

Adhered to stricter Kanbantool API rules, no new features (139 KB) Ewald Kleefstra, 2017-10-18 14:25

1.0.0 (2017-09-14)

Compatible with Redmine 3.1.x. (127 KB) Ewald Kleefstra, 2017-09-14 11:04