


Plugins Directory » Redmine Leaves Holidays

Author: Omega Code
Code repository: -
Registered on: 2021-04-14 (over 3 years ago)
Current version: 2.0.1
Compatible with: Redmine 4.1.x, 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x
User ratings:   (0)

Make your Redmine a complete system for leaves management. Integrate your leaves approval with the system time tracking and increase the transparency of the process to everybody in your organization.

This plugin allows you to automate the process of leave management which includes submittal as well as consulting and approval of leave request.

+Try it now in LIVE DEMO!+

Please find more information here:

Redmine Leaves Holidays is based on ste26054’ magnificent work which was released to the community. Unfortunetly, project seems to be abandoned. We really liked it and decided to rewrite it, support it and make it even better with even more features (like improving UX).

Installation notes

This plugin is commercialy supported with updates. You can buy it on our website to use it.

See Leaves Holidays instruction for guide and installation notes.


2.0.1 (2021-04-14)

Compatible with Redmine 4.1.x, 4.0.x, 3.4.x, 3.3.x.

Pic1618390430.png (27.7 KB) Pic1618390430.png workflow Omega Code, 2021-04-14 11:20