


Plugins Directory » Quarter - analysis of current project issues in time

Author: Alexey Poliansky
Code repository:
Registered on: 2015-12-15 (over 8 years ago)
Current version: 0.0.7
Compatible with: Redmine 2.6.x, 2.5.x
User ratings:   (0)

This plugins helps to calculate quantity of issues in project
in different statuses and periods of time

Simple work-flow analysis.

efficient = 100*(closed.issues-closed.before)/(assigned_to + endless)

where assigned_to - assigned to personal issue and ends in period of time
closed before - issues where due date in current period, but they already closed.
and endless - issues where is due_to date is empty

digits have links to according issues list in current project

Also report have quantity of open issues witch have date in current time period.

Installation notes

rename ./quarter to ./redmine_quarter in redmine plugin directory

restart redmine

activate module in project where you need to have access to module

In current project new menu item named KPI.


0.0.7 (2015-12-17)

Compatible with Redmine 2.6.x, 2.5.x.

Few bug fixed, added opened tasks, added closed already. Added links to current project issues list and subproject (not active project)

0.0.5 (2015-12-15)

Compatible with Redmine 2.6.x.