


Plugins Directory » Time Registry

Author: Kazuyo Soya
Website: -
Code repository: -
Registered on: 2013-02-07 (over 11 years ago)
Current version: 1.0.0
Compatible with: Redmine 1.1.x
User ratings:   (0)

The Time Registry plugin adds a tabular view for easy Time Entry.

Environment notes
  • Available in English and Japanese.
  • Developed and tested only on Redmine 1.1.3 (MySQL) with IE7 and over.
  • Is almost stable with over 1 year performance.
Specification notes
  • Adds a link on right-top-menu when logged in.
  • User can select only his/her assigned Projects.
  • Duplicated entry - same date, same ticket - is unsupported (only registerable via ticket view). In this case, Time Registry view shows appropriate time in red character and makes it readonly.

Installation notes

  • Extends the model "Issue" by adding an instance method named "tracker_id_subject".
  • No Database extension.


1.0.0 (2013-02-07)

Compatible with Redmine 1.1.x. (9.5 KB) Kazuyo Soya, 2013-02-07 06:12