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This plugin is used to create group chats in instant messengers.

The redmine_2chat can be used to create a group chat associated with an issue and record its logs to the Redmine archive. Associated group chats can be easily created via the Create <P...

By Igor Olemskoi (Southbridge)



Two-factor authorization plugin


  • Telegram Login
  • SMS
  • Google Auth

By Igor Olemskoi (Southbridge)


A ChiliProject Look & Feel -

ChiliProject Look & Feel adds the original ChiliProject theme and menu style to current Redmine.

By Jan Kryštof Svoboda


A common libs

Redmine plugin which optionally enables inclusion of common libraries (twitter bootstrap, select2, highcharts, etc.)

For better appearance we recommend to use thi...

By Team


A luxury buttons

Redmine Team Note
Commercial plugin, obfuscated with RubyEncoders. requires rgloader

«Luxury buttons» — is a plugin for the issue tracker «Redmine». Plugin provides a user-friendly interface for issue editin...

By Vladimir Pitin


A4 WebsiteScreenshot

What is website screenshot:

When QA report a bug or support follow up a task, it is very common we need work base on one URL and we need to see the screenshot of it as well. In this case, we need click the link and go to that website. We use Web...

By Page Images

  (2) - keep track of all your teams absences is an online solution to keep track of your teams absences, from sick and vacation days to off-site training.
With the redmine integration you can create new absences out of redmine and check who is absent today from your team. It's comp...

By Nikbin Rohany


Accept plugin

People having worked with TRAC are used to "accept" issues, which basically states that someone will now actively work on a specific issue. Redmine apparently also supports custom issue statuses, such as "accepted", but it requires more than one click ...

By Stefan Zugal


Access tickets ( Access Request System )

Tags:Asset management, Access Request System, учет прав доступа сотрудников

Access tickets is a free solution for Accounting of access based on Redmine plugin.

This plugin made to approving access requests and account access to some assets...



Activity Report

The plugin is designed to send daily, weekly and monthly reports of the elapsed time on the project.

By Igor Olemskoi (Southbridge)

