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Plugins Directory » All plugins (1152)

Hide estimated hours permission

This plugin is based on "Dominique Laderer's plugin":

Unlike the Dominique's plugin, this plugin add a new permission to hide the estimated hours for specific roles. So, you can have a role...

By redmineservices .


hide issue description

Redmine plugin: Hide Issue Description

This plugin add a new permission that hide the view of issue description.
Users with this Permission can see a list of the Issues, but can not display the individual Issue.


Set the permissi...

By Tomohisa Kusukawa


Hide Journal Details

Hide the journal details that don't have a note associated by default and add a link to show all details.

By Jürgen Diez


Hide Sidebar

This plugin adds a tiny hide button next to the sidebar. Clicking this button hides the sidebar.

Note: This plugin is tested with these themes:
  • Default themes
  • Gitmike
  • RedmineCRM Themes:
    • A1
    • Highrise
    • Coffee
    • _Redm...

By B​ D


Hide user profile

Add permission to view user profile, hide members box in projects, Link to user is a string. Member profile page is not available - 403.

By Monika Perwejnis



«Hierarchy» — plugin for synchronization of Redmine with Active Directory (LDAP) and creating a hierarchy of company in Redmine.

Eliminates the need to create users, departments, and many others in Redmine by hand.


By Vladimir Pitin


Hipchat Notifications (per project)

HipChat Per Project Notifications from Redmine

Based on HipChat Plugin for Redmine. This plugin sends messages to your HipChat rooms when issues are created or updated. The message contains information about the issue status/priority change if there...

By Tamas Tompa



This is a holidays plugin for Redmine

By Yao iceskysl


Home Page Redirector

A very simple Redmine plugin that will redirect signed-in users to My Page when they sign-in or when they click the home link in the website header.

Tested with Redmine 2.6.6 through 4.0.2 and ruby 2.1.x through 2.6.2

By Jean-Marc Lagacé


Home Page Redirector (Redmine 5)

A very simple Redmine plugin that will redirect signed-in users to My Page when they sign-in or when they click the home link in the website header.

Version for Redmine 5+

By Wyskynet Wyskynet

