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Plugins Directory » All plugins (1152)

Redmine cancel button

Finally you can cancel the process update notes. Supported languages(locales) from redmine core.

By Kamil Franckiewicz


Redmine CAS

Plugin to CASify your Redmine installation.

By Nils Caspar


Redmine Category Tree

Allows categories of projects to act as a nested set (tree).

By Brett Patterson


Redmine Chat

This plugin has not been under developing. It will be replaced by redmine_layim plugin( Thank you and please support the new plugin.

Hello redminers. I am planning to start developing chat plugin. I kn...

By Tigergm Wu


Redmine Chatwork

This plugin notifies updates of tickets and wiki to your "ChatWork": room. You can change settings for each project by creating custom-fields.



By Yuma Hori


Redmine Chuck Norris plugin

This plugin modifies the Project overview tab showing a random Chuck Norris fact. Chuck will also approve the project if more than 50% issues are closed.

By Zuinq Studio


Redmine CKEditor

Best wysiwyg editor for Wiki's
Using CKEditor to replace the default Wiki editor that comes with Redmine.

I'm not the author. The author is Akihiro Ono (Japan)

By Andre Araujo


Redmine Cmis Plugin

This plugin enables a new project module that allows to upload documents on a Cmis compatible server.
Once the module is activated, a new project tab will appear, in which you'll be able to upload documents just as you used to do on Documents tab.

By Zuinq Studio


Redmine CodeMirror Editor

Replaces the editor in Redmine with the CodeMirror editor which allows syntax highlighting / preview for Textile.

Confirmed working with Redmine 2.3.x, 3.2.x, 3.3.x

By GJ Roelofs


Redmine Commentary Order Patch

When user's preferences are to display comments in reverse chronological order, it might be anoying in long discussions in news or issues to scroll from the bottom to the top to see the last comment while writting.
So this plugin display the comment b...

By BlueXML Company

