



Results (12109)

Patch #35662 (Closed): Mongolian translation update for "Notes", "Totals", and "% Done"
Some missing Mongolian translations added and corrected some. 2021-08-02 07:55
Feature #35661 (Closed): Allow "Contributor" role to manage related issues for revisions
I misspell the issue ID in r21131 and I wanted to manually add the issue to the revision, but I don't have rights. ... e "Contributor" role to have this permission. 2021-08-01 22:54
Feature #35658 (Closed): Administration -> Role -> Users Visibility
In the dropdown list menu, adding "None users ... ee other members. !RoleUserVisibility.png! 2021-08-01 19:48
Feature #35657 (New): Spent time ratio column and filter
I suggest adding a new column and a new filter to the issues list. The name of the column and the fil ... e sign of overspending of man-hours and find issues that took more time than estimated. "Eas ... order: 1px solid grey;}.spent-time-ratio.png! 2021-08-01 16:07
Defect #35656 (Closed): When importing issue relations, the validation messages are not shown in the UI
If you import a CSV with invalid relations, t ... d::RecordInvalid (Validation failed: Related issue cannot be blank): app/models/issue_import.rb:289:in `block (2 levels) in build_relations' app/models/issue_import.rb:252:in `each' app/models/issue_import.rb:252:in `block in build_relations' app/models/issue_import.rb:248:in `each_key' app/models/issue_import.rb:248:in `build_relations' app/models/issue_import.rb:244:in `extend_object' app/models ... edmine/sudo_mode.rb:61:in `sudo_mode' </pre> 2021-08-01 16:06
Defect #35655 (Closed): Create duplicated follows relations fails with 500 internal error
It seems that the relation validations are no ... e request fails with 500 internal error. The issue reproduces only on 4.2.* versions and it's c ... ysql2::Error: Duplicate entry '1-2' for key 'issue_relations.index_issue_relations_on_issue_from_id_and_issue_to_id'): app/controllers/issue_relations_controller.rb:67:in `block in create' app/controllers/issue_relations_controller.rb:51:in `each' app/controllers/issue_relations_controller.rb:51:in `create' </pre> 2021-08-01 15:41
Patch #35648 (New): Changelog generator should allow merging two or more versions
The script used to generate the changelog for ... rised requests in order to pull the security issues which are private at the time of the releases. The authorization should use environment variables. 2021-08-01 10:15
Feature #35647 (New): Allow the user to properly override Setting.display_subprojects_issues on Issue Reports if a project has subprojects
I'd like to know if there is interest in a fe ... : !{width:95%;}.2021-07-31_10-49-52.gif! 2021-07-31 15:04
Feature #35645 (New): Request for reconsideration of removal of 'View all issues' link
Yesterday I started doing some development wo ... that I stumbled upon was that the 'View all issues' link in the issues sidebar was removed in r18304. Although I s ... ed a "small plugin":/plugins/redmine_add_all_issues_link_in_issues_sidebar to restore it on the issues show view). The reason for this annoyance ... e current, not-saved query straight from the issues show view without first going back to the issues index view and then subsequently clicking on the clear button. With the link on issues show it is possible to go back to the default issues list without the need of an additional clic ... rrently available) links that go back to the issues index view (project menu and query links on ... nu. This request is just about the 'View all issue... 2021-07-30 19:14
Defect #35642 (Closed): Long text custom field values are not aligned with their labels
See the screenshot below. You will see an unn ... tom field The attached patch fixes the UI issue. !{width: 346px; border: 1px solid grey;}.custom-value-is-not-aligned-with-label.png! 2021-07-30 04:36
Feature #35640 (New): select / deselect watchers with one click when I copy a single issue
I have issues with more than 10 watchers and I want to copy the issues without watchers . It would be better not ... watchers with one click when I copy a single issue Also, I would like to have the option to ... eckbox to copy watchers when I copy a single issue 2021-07-29 21:49
Defect #35634 (Closed): Attachments deletable even though issue edit not permitted
If role A has permission to edit issues in tracker X but not in tracker Y, members of this role can delete attachments in issues with tracker Y. This commit fixes this f ... Likewise this should be done in @/app/models/issue.rb@: <pre> # Overrides Redmine::Acts:: ... attributes_editable?(user) end </pre> 2021-07-29 10:26
Patch #35628 (Closed): Bulgarian translation
Translated several texts related to several issues 2021-07-28 19:48
Defect #35621 (Closed): Bundler fails to install globalid when using Ruby < 2.6.0
The latest version of "globalid":https://ruby ... d build as failure Finished: FAILURE </pre> 2021-07-28 02:06
Feature #35616 (New): Remove "Delete" from the context menu for related issues
A related issue has a context menu that is invoked by right-clicking the issue. It contributes to improving usability, b ... ation. This is the accidental deletion of an issue. Sometimes users misunderstand "Delete" in the context menu as a menu item to delete the issue relation, and accidentally delete the issue. I have seen such users many times. I don't think there are many cases where you want to delete issues in the "Related issues" section. In my opinion, It is rather harmf ... 1px solid grey;}.delete-in-context-menu.png! 2021-07-27 15:19
Patch #35612 (Closed): Applied patches from #23894
Hello all, I applied the patches from because I needed them. Pull reques ... tps:// 2021-07-27 07:15
Patch #35610 (Closed): Cleanups after Wiki tab removal from project settings (#26579)
This is extracted from #34643. > * *1. Rem ... can better set the @menu_item@ accordingly. 2021-07-26 23:23
Defect #35608 (Closed): ActionView::Template::Error
<pre> ActionView::Template::Error (Tried to ... els/query.rb:129:in `initialize' app/models/issue_query.rb:227:in `new' app/models/issue_query.rb:227:in `block in available_columns' app/models/issue_query.rb:227:in `collect' app/models/issue_query.rb:227:in `available_columns' app/mod ... uery_columns_selection' app/views/settings/_issues.html.erb:42:in `block in _app_views_settings__issues_html_erb___3907273758105470640_70343526728380' app/views/settings/_issues.html.erb:1:in `_app_views_settings__issues_html_erb___3907273758105470640_703435267283 ... mine/sudo_mode.rb:65:in `sudo_mode' </pre> 2021-07-26 15:18
Defect #35605 (Closed): image upload error
Hi, my colleague has some problems using redm ... has been checked and there is no abnormality 2021-07-26 08:58
Defect #35596 (Closed): Server Error 500 Can't see redmine tasks
Hi I am really new to redmine and ruby on rai ... went wrong. >We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly. I fo ... ?(sidebar_tags) && !sidebar_tags.empty? && !@issue %> 2: <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'jquery ... %> 4: <h3><%= l :tags %></h3> </pre> 2021-07-23 17:42
Feature #35589 (Closed): issue assignee limitation to a group or a role
I have a large population in my projects >200 ... list of assignee to be customize base on the issue position within a given workflow. But, never ... redmine 4.1/4.2 : 2021-07-21 17:12
Defect #35582 (Closed): Error: Template::Erro ... ss: ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess)
Started GET "/redmine/roles/3/edit" for 192.1 ... lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:63:in `sudo_mode' 2021-07-19 18:32
Defect #35579 (Closed): Label search for watcher shows all users of all projects when adding an new issue
If you want to add an *new* issue with some watchers, than you can use the f ... ights. So the users who is adding the new issue sees all users even he is not allowed to (da ... Using the similar function on an *existing* issue seems to work alright. !Watcher_function.png! !Working_on_existing_issue.png! 2021-07-19 11:35
Defect #35571 (Closed): Redmine rest API
Hi, I am using Redmine rest API and with ... PI. Or is there any alternative to use it? 2021-07-16 13:24
Feature #35570 (New): Dynamically adjustable template options
At the moment I use the template Purplemine ... used to highlight the respective IDs in the issue overview. It would be even better if I coul ... the tracker (Administration-> Tracker) myself 2021-07-16 09:42