



Results (12109)

Defect #1944 (Closed): Malformed link inside a code tag
Here is my conf: * your database version ... 0/wiki/sif/Banco </pre> Which, shouldn't. 2008-09-24 19:12
Feature #1943 (Closed): Issue list > Column selection independant between projects
when we want a particular column in the issue list (for exemple : version) all projet have this columns. Is it possible to have it by project? 2008-09-24 14:04
Feature #1942 (Closed): Spent time from commit
I think it'll be nice to be able to commit spent time via SCM. Based on @def scan_comment_for_issue_ids@ or by extending it. Something like t ... 6 hours._ <- adds 6 hours for spent time on issue number 12 and closes it. _Closes issue #52, #54. Spent 8 hours._ <- adds 4 hours for spent time to issue 52 and 54. And closes both. _Commited a l ... . Spent 10 hours._ <- Does nothing, couse no issue number was provided Possible problems: D ... hours. What do you think? Is it possible? 2008-09-24 14:01
Defect #1941 (Closed): Latest news appear on the homepage for projects with the News module disabled
To reproduce. # Go to a Project with the N ... in8.9.1] * Rails: 2.1.0 * MySQL: 4.1.22 2008-09-24 12:57
Defect #1940 (Closed): Creating relations between tickets
Hi. Does RedMine provide the functionality ... n't find where you can set this when opening issue. Also, does the master ticket can contain ... e slave tickets time estimations? Regards. 2008-09-24 10:39
Defect #1939 (Closed): Wiki Formatting within a Word
I have figured out that if you use the bold m ... = '2.1.1' unless defined? RAILS_GEM_VERSION 2008-09-23 20:16
Feature #1936 (New): Moving tasks between versions on the roadmap screen
It would be nice if one could move tasks betw ... aybe sth similar could also make sense there. 2008-09-23 15:20
Feature #1935 (Closed): An option to completely disable email notifications
Currently the weakest form of email notificat ... y/account screen, email notifications group) 2008-09-23 15:18
Defect #1934 (Closed): Migrate From Trac with JRuby
When I want to migrate my Trac project with J ... nt) With Ruby MRI, the migration works well. 2008-09-23 14:59
Patch #1933 (Closed): Executing Stored Procedure
How can I call a stored procedure in Ruby on ... during query". Any help will be appreciated. 2008-09-23 10:50
Patch #1928 (Closed): Patch for #1889 (Italian Language Update)
Hi, I created an update for the Italian Language File. 2008-09-21 12:27
Defect #1927 (Closed): Ill formed error message causes crash.
OK, I don't know ruby but if all of the pr ... FROM `projects` SQL (0.000443) SHOW TABLES Issue Columns (0.001434) SHOW FIELDS FROM `issues` SQL (0.000395) SHOW TABLES SQL (0.000576 ... cues/layout.erb (internal_server_error) 2008-09-19 21:45
Feature #1926 (Closed): Issues identifiers
We would like to assign issue identifiers based on the project name. Currently, Redmine uses issue's id (which is auto-increment) to search an issue and in many other places. Our issues are increasing daily and the number (e.g. # ... a 4 letter project code and start naming the issues from 1, eg for a project called Redmine, we could have something like REDM01 for issue 1, REDM02 for issue 2 etc and for a project Ruby we have RUBY01,RUBY02.... 2008-09-19 10:41
Feature #1919 (Closed): Separate permissions for changing assigned-to, % finished and target version
Currently, access to these fields is controll ... e assigned-to, % finished and target version. 2008-09-18 09:36
Feature #1917 (Closed): Required on close
It would be useful to have a check item on issues related custom fields that force tha this field is mandatoty to fullfill when the issue change to a state registered for close. It ... quired field but only for the closure of the issue. 2008-09-18 01:44
Defect #1916 (Closed): 1 issue with issues after migration
Have done the db:migrate cache clear and rest ... ervice a number of times but still one of my issues has issues ActionView::TemplateError (undefined m ... b:22:in `link_to_attachments' app/views/issues/show.rhtml:70:in `_run_erb_47app47views47issues47show46rhtml' E:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1. ... rking.rb:51:in `render' app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:105:in `show' E:/Ruby/li ... .rb:107:in `respond_to' app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:104:in `show' E:/Ruby/li ... e/public/500.html (500 Internal Server Error) 2008-09-17 08:10
Defect #1915 (Closed): TOC behaves wrong when using it same forum-thread in multiple messages
Due to the way the TOC is handled by Textile ... thread. After seeing the result I filed this issue. If this gets too complicated I'd suggest ... ionality completely from the Forum-component. 2008-09-17 00:21
Feature #1913 (Closed): LDAP - authenticate as user
The attached patch allows to bind to the ldap ... y being compatible to the way things are now. 2008-09-16 15:02
Feature #1912 (Closed): Forum topics need "unwatch" ability
I'm an end user of Cocoabot's "Redmine instal ... I know that SVN HEAD has unwatch support for issues, but apparently not for forum topics. 2008-09-16 14:01
Defect #1906 (Closed): Removing permission "Edit issue" from role does not prevent user from editing issues
Redmine version: 2008-09-15 15:23
Defect #1904 (Closed): MIME headers are not fully correct
Hello, I noticed that gmail does not recog ... address, and drop the Bcc header. Thanks! 2008-09-15 06:21
Patch #1901 (Closed): RESTful URLs for everything
I did some work on making Redmine’s URLs adhe ... y move the app to use named routes like @new_issue_path@ or @project_issues_path('ecookbook')@ instead of the params ha ... tely untested, I can’t vouch for that though. 2008-09-15 03:23
Defect #1899 (Closed): Broken custom query sidebar links
When I want to use a custom query link on the sidebar and currently viewing an issue the link is broken (/issues/show/:issue_id?query_id=:query_id should be /projects/:project_identifier/issues?query_id=:query_id). The attached patch solves this problem. 2008-09-15 00:57
Patch #1898 (Closed): Filter issues by watchers
This is a patch to filter the issue list by watchers. This solves #846. 2008-09-15 00:15
Defect #1895 (Closed): Failing functional tests when running rake test:functionals
On a fresh checkout of r1826 when running `ra ... cuments_controller_test.rb" "test/functional/issues_controller_test.rb" "test/functional/journa ... , but was <302> 5) Failure: test_gantt(IssuesControllerTest) [./test/functional/issues_controller_test.rb:143:in `test_gantt' ... 03 patchlevel 114) [universal-darwin9.0]@ 2008-09-14 11:17