



Results (18047)

Help: How to Create Issue with Hook "controller_issues_new_after_save"
Hi, I'm trying to create an Issue with changes after an Issue is created. No new Issue is created and no error is in the log. My ... <pre><code class="ruby"> def controller_issues_new_before_save(context={}) $IssueProject = context[:issue].project $IssueAuthor = context[:issue].author $IssueTracker = context[:issue].tracker $IssueDescription = context[:issue].description end </code></pre> <pre><code class="ruby"> def controller_issues_new_after_save(context={}) :author => $IssueAuthor, :project => $... 2022-08-18 15:07
Plugins: RedmineUP-CRM issue
Hi there, I'm using the light version of t ... ave any suggestion for Contacts alternatives? 2022-08-17 14:18
Help: Ho do I import or add new template of issue?
I want to add or import new template of issue(see attached photo)? How do I do? 2022-08-15 10:50
Help: Upgrade 4.1.1 to 5.0.1 filters for issues do not work
I'm trying to upgrade from: <pre> redmine ... <pre> If I go to a project and click on the issues tab, the "v Filters" label shows up but t ... on "Options" has no effect. (Clicking "New issue" seems to work.) </pre> I have tried com ... size changes, but I suspect that is not the issue; they are all text fields. Suggestions / thoughts? 2022-08-13 00:28
Help: RE: How to Define "Due date" by create issues from emails?
I found the keywords list in wiki. But the ke ... t shown on "Description". As the photo below. 2022-08-12 11:45
Help: How to Define "Due date" by create issues from emails?
Hi, I was trying to create some issues by email. I know that I can define the issues' Project by the key word "Project" and the ... ce for your help. Best regards, Spike 2022-08-12 10:32
Help: RE: Inline editing of issue attributes
At RedmineX, we are currently working on this ... / Estimated time of release: ... d. Michael from 2022-08-11 13:36
Help: RE: Need to understand find_project_rep ... epositories_controller (potential paid work?)
That was it! Changesets ended up getting loaded by the plugin, but it looks like they may have an issue being saved: <pre> Completed 404 Not Found ... mine/sudo_mode.rb:61:in `sudo_mode' </pre> 2022-08-10 18:27
Development: RE: bounties, crowdfunding: how to fund things in Redmine?
Thanks for the feedback. I generally agree ... those points there? The question that arises then is ho ... ht amount of money and share it around fairly 2022-08-04 21:00
Help: RE: Has 500 Internal Server Error when upgrade 4.1.1 to 4.2.7, please help.
BTW, I found 1 issue will cause Internal Erro 500, if execute <pr ... -system 3.1.3 </pre> I had reproduce this issue serval times. Just noted. 2022-07-29 11:46
Help: RE: Has 500 Internal Server Error when upgrade 4.1.1 to 4.2.7, please help.
Go MAEDA wrote: > Could you try replacing th ... ork.. wish can help others who have the same issue. :) # Install apt packages <pre> sudo a ... ce apache2 restart </pre> # Working good... 2022-07-29 05:34
Help: Has 500 Internal Server Error when upgrade 4.1.1 to 4.2.7, please help.
I try to upgrade OS and Redmine from 4.1.1 to ... shows 500 Internal Server Error when I click issues or admin/Settings, I found the Error messa ... els/query.rb:134:in `initialize' app/models/issue_query.rb:256:in `new' app/models/issue_query.rb:256:in `block in available_columns' app/models/issue_query.rb:256:in `collect' app/models/issue_query.rb:256:in `available_columns' app/mod ... els/query.rb:1003:in `statement' app/models/issue_query.rb:324:in `base_scope' app/models/issue_query.rb:329:in `issue_count' app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:51:in `block (2 levels) in index' app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:49:in `index' lib/redmine/su ... mine_hearts 2.0.1 redmine_issue_templates 1.1.0 redmine_... 2022-07-28 10:32
Help: RE: Adapt issue overview for all users
Thank you VERY much! I see Version 5.0.0 a ... his question. Thank you! Plastikschnitzer 2022-07-24 12:14
Help: RE: Adapt issue overview for all users
Plastik Schnitzer wrote: > if I want to adapt my issue overview, for example add fields which are n ... ily do that with the options shown above the issue list and apply it. FYI and FTR: when filters are _applied_ to the issue list (and the gantt and calendar for that matter), you'll be creating a [[RedmineIssueList#Applying-and-saving-filters|custom query]] (more specifically a custom issue query) that is +in-memory+ (i.e. not saved i ... equently _saved_ (which is possible from the issues list and the gantt), it becomes a custom qu ... se (as a "@query@" entity of the [STI] type @IssueQuery@). Plastik Schnitzer wrote: > How c ... AEDA wrote: > > Now you can set the default issue query per app/project/user. The project-leve ... es: > > > > * App-level: Administration > Issue tracking > Default Query > > * Project-level: Settings (project) > ... 2022-07-24 08:27
Help: Adapt issue overview for all users
Hi all, if I want to adapt my issue overview, for example add fields which are n ... ily do that with the options shown above the issue list and apply it. How can I change this ... possible? Best regards, Sebastian Depke 2022-07-23 18:55
Plugins: RE: Plugin "Parent issue filter plugin" does not support Redmine 4.1.X and 4.2.X
Hi, unfortuately I don't have a quick fix ... ly in V4.1.x, too? Kind regards, Bernhard 2022-07-22 06:53
Plugins: Plugin "Parent issue filter plugin" does not support Redmine 4.1.X and 4.2.X
Hello, All. Plugin "Parent issue filter plugin" by "onozaty": does not support Redmine 4.1.X and 4. ... re' 19: from RedMine/plugins/parent_issue_filter/init.rb:1:in `<top (required)>' ... re' 5: from RedMine/plugins/parent_issue_filter/lib/redmine_parent_issue_filter.rb:38:in `<top (required)>' 4: from RedMine/plugins/parent_issue_filter/lib/redmine_parent_issue_filter.rb:38:in `include' 3: from RedMine/plugins/parent_issue_filter/lib/redmine_parent_issue_filter.rb:7:in `included' 2: from RedMine/plugins/parent_issue_filter/lib/redmine_parent_issue_filter.rb:7:in `class_eval' 1: from RedMine/plugins/parent_... 2022-07-20 15:57
Open discussion: RE: Ha ocurrido un error mie ... r. [MRXP264CA0019.FRAP264.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM] )
*Hello, Soporte TI.* Please use this topic ... /en-us/exchange/mail-flow-best-practices/fix-issues-with-printers-scanners-and-lob-applications-that-send-email-using-off#fix-issues-with-smtp-client-submission and change y ... /pre> Use your *user_name* and *password* 2022-07-20 15:32
Open discussion: Redmine 4.2.7 still does not ... h MS SQL Server. When will this bug be fixed?
*Hello, Colleagues.* Successfully installe ... requirement! *Details:* When create an issue and press Save button, return error 500. +L ... ), @1 int, @2 int, @3 nvarchar(max)', @0 = N'Issue', @1 = 33480, @2 = 65, @3 = N''): app/models/issue.rb:227:in `create_or_update' app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:143:in `create' lib/redmine/ ... g be fixed? What version will this fix be in? 2022-07-19 13:04
Help: RE: Backing up Redmine -- should the server be shut down?
Hi Chris, When you talk about backing up R ... ostgresql? b) Backing up uploaded files via issues, documents or files module? c) Backing up ... ll of us to help you! Best Regards, Liane 2022-07-17 10:17
Help: Show anonymous time entrie sum in issues
Because of privacy issues we had to activate "Time logs visibility - ... But we still need the sum of all entries in Issue Page / Tables - only the details have to be ... _ics_export redmine_issue_templates 1.1.0 </pre> 2022-07-15 08:58
Help: RE: How to create issues from emails?
Hi Fabian, My pleasure! :) Best Regards, Liane 2022-07-15 07:54
Help: RE: How to create issues from emails?
Hi Liane, Yes, it seems it's something rel ... ve managed to perform several tests creating issues from emails (and I've tested, as well, many ... again for your help. Best regards, Fabian 2022-07-14 17:36
Help: RE: How to create issues from emails?
Hi Fabian, Sorry, but the Net::IMAP:Error ... problem you reported. Best Regards, Liane 2022-07-13 16:07
Help: RE: How to create issues from emails?
Hi Liane, Thanks again for your help! Y ... t sometimes emails are marked as read but no issues are created. I'm sending the parameter unkn ... might I be missing? Thanks! Best, Fabian 2022-07-12 17:58