



Results (18047)

Help: RE: Integrating/syncing Redmine with GitLab issues
Hey, maybe I can clear things up a bit: > S ... one way) link over to a project in redmine. Issues mentioned in your commits will be hyperlink ... s integration is not designed to link gitlab-issues to redmine-issues. From my view I would recommend to to disable "issues" on the gitlab-side and just use redmine-issues. Further informations see "here":https://d ... /integrations/redmine.html#reference-redmine-issues-in-gitlab > From the "HOWTO setup automa ... nto_redmine. (With the little drawback that issues in redmine are only updated when someone ca ... redmine_git_remote. As far as I knew it had issues with redmine4.x. So I wonder that you managed to get it working. 2021-08-03 09:52
Help: RE: Updating ruby to resolve vulnerabilities in 4.2.1
A Fora wrote: > Ok, thank you. But is my app ... ecurity updates as soon as possible based on issues severity. Also, I strongly recommend to report the vulnerability/findings in this issue tracker if wasn't already reported. Please let me know if I answered your questions now. 2021-07-30 08:51
Help: RE: Export/Import issues with history and attachement
Hi, Has anyone ever needed to export tick ... but i don't find plugin to do this Thanks 2021-07-28 14:54
Help: RE: Custom fields for one project
More than 12 years passed but I wonder that t ... anyone deal to copy the properties from the issues to the other ones? If this is so hard for a ... think for the Spent Times? Thanks in advance 2021-07-26 11:58
Help: RE: Can't open issue internal error 500
Hi Tom Welcome in the Redmine community! ... st your findings here. Best Regards Liane 2021-07-24 09:02
Help: Can't open issue internal error 500
I am really new to redmine and ruby on rails. ... 71: rows.right l(:label_spent_time), issue_spent_hours_details(@issue), :class => 'spent-time' 72: end ... 4: <%= render_half_width_custom_fields_rows(@issue) %> 75: <%= call_hook(:view_issues_show_details_bottom, :issue => @issue) %> 76: </div> 77: My Environ ... - /sbin - /bin - /snap/bin 2021-07-23 18:20
Open discussion: How to get sprint data using rest API
I'm trying to get sprint data using rest APIs for issues/work-items. This is the sprint related d ... et the start_date information using rest API? 2021-07-23 15:56
Open discussion: HowTo restrict commits via redmin_git_hosting ...
... require having a reference to a issue in the project to which the repository belon ... want to allow only git commits with a valid issue number in the comment and other commits to g ... e handled ? With best regards Heiko Jakob 2021-07-21 02:58
Help: Import Issue Precedes without Delay
Hello I am testing redmine to help me trac ... -2. I want to be able to import a list of issues with Parent Tasks and Precedes columns, so ... erride the delay? Thank you for your help. 2021-07-20 13:07
Help: ERROR -- : MailHandler: Validation failed: Start time cannot be blank
Seeing below issue while creating Redmine ticket via mail (redm ... not able to pass start time keyword via mail 2021-07-16 14:58
Help: RE: Limit fixing time for status
Hi, permissions are not bounded with issue statuses. Simply you can permit issues deletion only for specific roles, in other ... esolve with education tasks. Thanks Lorenzo 2021-07-15 15:01
Open discussion: RE: Ability to set the date for news and issue comments
Francesco Iori wrote: > is there a way to m ... unfortunately not, just change it in DB :) 2021-07-14 14:09
Open discussion: RE: Ability to set the date for news and issue comments
Hi, I'm afraid not! You can do it from DB. Lorenzo 2021-07-14 12:54
Open discussion: Ability to set the date for news and issue comments
is there a way to modify the date of a news? 2021-07-14 09:48
Help: Fields permissions highlighted
I seted permissions workflow, for three kind ... rter. Besides, I created 5 custom fields for issues tickets, and after that, set Fields permiss ... ase: MySQL 5.7.27 2021-07-13 16:35
Help: RE: Nokogiri installing with wrong architecture ?
So I've ended up going to the gemfiles and co ... AILS_ENV=production@ i believe this is an issue due the mac itself cause it should only install 1 architecture but since it has some issues when identifying the arch it will install both 2021-07-12 01:19
Help: RE: Email Postfix not working
Your understanding is correct. First you nee ... no any info further in redmine - neither new issue, neither any log info. So my question is ... bug/loging level for rdm-mailhandler.rb ? 2021-07-10 23:14
Open discussion: ImageMagick solution for Bitnami Redmine 4.2.1-2 windows edition fixed certification issue in the latest version of 4.2.1-2. You can r ... hanges/trunk/lib/redmine/thumbnail.rb 2021-07-08 10:08
Help: Spent time report shows incorrect days ... a migrated from a previous version of Redmine
Hi, I am having a problem updating an exis ... hat is done, I create a test project, a test issue and then log time on it. The problem I am t ... stions would be helpful. Thanks, Ed. 2021-07-07 17:57
Help: Export/Import issues with history and attachement
Hello, I need to export issues from redmine to an other redmine instance b ... v files. Can you tell me if i can export issues (with history and attachment) and import on an other redmine instance ? Thanks 2021-07-07 16:54
Help: Bringing redmine projects back from a restored hard drive
Hello I was using a _bitnami redmine virtual ... ory with all the attachments held by created issues. But I don't see any way to make mysqldump ... like me? Please, help. There must be a way... 2021-07-07 14:41
Help: Upgrading Redmine, constant error
Ruby 2.6.6p146 Rails 5.2.5 Unix MySQL 8.0. ... 4.2 The error is caused by the include in Issue class (issue.rb) : <pre> include Redmine::SafeAttributes </pre> Any insight is welcome. Thank you 2021-07-06 10:21
Help: RE: Can I disable "New Issue" for the parent project but still show "Issues"?
Just had the same issue! But my parent project uses the same roles a ... rs from the parent project, whereby the "New Issue" tab is not shown.* 2021-07-02 13:24
Help: How can I update cache for css file of a plugin
Hi, I have modified some css style in a plugin (, I have upload the modified code to s ... Rails http://<host>/plugin_assets/redmine_issue_badge/stylesheets/style.css? *1623722537* Thank you very much 2021-07-02 12:09
Help: RE: Encoding rules to import issues
Hi, this should not happen. This is taken fr ... <pre> "Description","Tracker","Status" ... t date","Due date","Estimated time","Related issues","Private" "long description with more th ... ,"Task","NEW","Normal","Testing import of an issue","Some Author","Some assignee",,"some_versio ... ing wrong in the encoding... Thanks Lorenzo 2021-07-01 18:39