



Results (505)

Financial monitoring
# Redmine financial monitoring plugin This ... stomisable, as well as an optional filter on issues' status. The greatest value between the issue creation date and the issue start date is used to position issues on the chart. Also, you can select the r ... 708/0632178c-2508-11e6-8711-a0e8588edbac.png! 2016-05-28 19:45
Gdrive Document library
Add option to Redmine to store any files in issues in Gdrive. You can restrict access per trac ... manage access to files from Gdrive interface. 2016-05-16 21:46
RedTimer - Time Tracker
RedTimer is an open-source multi-platform sta ... the main window, you can enter or select an issue. After issue selection, the issue data will be displayed and the timer can be ... ster/images/main_window.png! To select an issue, you can use the Issue Selector which lists available issues according to the selected project, assigne ...! To create a new issue, you can use the Issue Creator which will start tracking time while you type the new issue data. !! 2016-05-15 14:20
Gantt Extension
h1. Redmine-Plugin: gantt_extension Adds an additional marker to issue for a custom defined date. You can choose an ... ins”. Enjoy extra function in gantt-charts. 2016-04-26 16:10
Redmine Portfolio Management
Plugin criado para permitir a visualização de ... nagement.svg! ! ... Filesystem ``` 2016-04-19 04:51
Mindmaps Plugin
Redmine Mindmap plugin brings this essential ... indmap Plugin: * *Drag & Drop* sorting of issues and projects * Creation of issues from the mind map * *Colour visualization* of issues completion and trackers * Familiar keyboar ...   2016-04-07 15:28
Redmine Show Issue Assignee Avatar Plugin
This is Redmine plugin to show issue assignee avatar on issue page. (Usually avatar on issue page is issue auther avatar.) 2016-02-07 13:10
Plugin makes copies of last updated issues and journals from another Redmine instance via API. 2016-02-02 14:53
redmine google calendar synchronization
h1. This Redmine plugin have essencialy 3 rol ... ogle Calendar. * Introduce the concept of Issue delivery date - hour : For a project that contain a lot of issue to deliver for a client or a manager or what ... dar with that date. * Synchronize redmine Issues ( that obey the filters rule ) with your google calendar ( Issue must have a start date and a due date ). The ... s google calendar ) if he is assigned to the issue. ( if the issue is assigned to a group , every memeber will ... 2016-01-29 15:39
Issue Field Visibility
*Hide selected core issue fields from specific roles* ... DZeCOM GmbH & Co. KG": . 2016-01-28 05:13
*Turns Redmine into an "Airbrake":http://airb ... braries to collect exception data as Redmine issues (no Airbrake account necessary). This is ... rt for Airbrake / Hoptoad API v1 was dropped. 2016-01-21 10:57
Issue Table Macro
This plugin generate table from ralated issues. Usage: For all ralated issues: {{related_table}} For selected related issues: {{related_table(Bug,Feature)}} It is possible setup table culumns in settings. 2016-01-18 16:10
Redmine Scrum Cards
Plugin for generating printable scrum cards from Redmine issues. More information about this plugin can ... :// 2016-01-06 14:34
EVM Calculation Plugin
h3. Earned Value Management (EVM) Calculation ... ots [[]] *When calculat ... project metrics (Duration, Amount of target issues, Show amount of issues by version, assignee, and tracker) * Chart ... te * Set the baseline * Display unfinished issues h3. Additional options * Explanation of ... EVM of assignee, trackers, versions, parent issues. (with chart) * Show unfinished issues Redmine5 is now supported. If you are u ... ne5.0 h3. The redmine4.x.x comp ... 4.0". h3. For redmine 3.4.x ... -4-3" 2015-12-29 16:22
Quarter - analysis of current project issues in time
This plugins helps to calculate quantity of issues in project in different statuses and perio ... rk-flow analysis. efficient = 100*(closed.issues-closed.before)/(assigned_to + endless) where assigned_to - assigned to personal issue and ends in period of time closed before - issues where due date in current period, but they already closed. and endless - issues where is due_to date is empty digits have links to according issues list in current project Also report have quantity of open issues witch have date in current time period. 2015-12-15 20:54
Issue Open Date
This plugin is designed to open frozen issues on the scheduled day. 2015-12-10 07:26
Edit Custom Fields
Redmine plugin to allow users editing custom fields for their project. * Allows editing of all Issue Custom Fields for a project * Allows to cho ... lect box to choose which Custom Field to edit 2015-12-02 22:06
Set assignee on commit plugin
Set specified user as issue's Assignee via repository commit with "fixin ... fixing keywords”, specified user will set as issue's assignee. 2015-11-28 16:54
Move Comments
The plugin allows you to move a comment made to wrong issue to the right one. 2015-11-27 12:10
Assign current date plugin
Assign current date to specified custom field on new Issue ticket. When you click [New Issue] menu link, current date will be set to target custom field. 2015-11-15 09:53
Assign current user plugin
Assign current login user to specified custom field on new Issue ticket. When you click [New Issue] menu link, current login user will be set to target custom field. 2015-11-15 03:49
Issue Badge
!! ! ... be! Plugin to show the number of assigned issues with badge, on top menu. * Show the number of assigned issues with badge. * Click badge and first 5 issues are shown. * User can on/off this feature at user preference page. 2015-11-10 21:03
Tracker Hider
The plugin is intended to provide functionality for managing of visibility of an issue for certain users or roles in dependance to the tracker of an issue. h2. Functions: * Allow managing of issues visibility to certain Role as a Role's Perm ... certain projects * Create/Delete rules for issues to be hidden. The rule is a simple selector ... Role && Tracker or User && Tracker * Hidden issues are hidden on lists, activities, search and ... ails version - 4.2.3 * ruby-2.2.1 [ x86_64 ] 2015-11-07 02:27
Issue Done Ratio Plugin
This plugin allows to configure a certain “Done Ratio” for some Issue statuses, while keeping the ability to manua ... implements what is asked for in #6975 (the "Issue Done Ratio Both" plugin mentioned there does not seem to exist on Github any more). 2015-11-01 11:52
Subtask list columns
Plugin allows to customize the columns showing in list of subtasks on issue page. You can display any standard and cust ... /screenshots/move.jpg! 5. Open any parent issue from project you customize. Now you see the ... ist_columns/master/screenshots/afterSave.png! 2015-10-21 13:35