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Jim Mulholland, 2009-05-19 17:32

HowTo keep in sync your git repository for redmine

Here an HowTo written by Farzy (Farzad FARID) on how to keep two git repositories syncronized

Summary Of Above Blog Post

In the below example, "git_user" and "project.git" should be modified for your GitHub project

git clone --bare project.git
cd project.git
git remote add origin
git fetch -v
git fetch origin
git reset --soft refs/remotes/origin/master 

In this cron script, "app" is the owner of the project.git directory

sudo vi /etc/cron.d/sync_git_repos
# One-way synchronization of a local and remote bare Git repository.
# Repeat this line for each repository.
*/5 * * * * app cd /path/to/project.git && git fetch origin && git reset --soft refs/remotes/origin/master > /dev/null

Updated by Jim Mulholland about 15 years ago · 2 revisions