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Harri H, 2009-07-04 18:47
Updated text to match the new way of handling locales, old directory (/lang) is now mentioned only briefly. Changed gloc -> locales and moved file updating to under its own subheader. Also fixed some typos.

HowTo translate Redmine in your own language

Redmine can easily be translated in any language.

There are a few things to translate:

  1. The main lang file, located in /config/locales (or /lang before r2493)
  2. The calendar lang file, located in /public/javascripts/calendar/lang
  3. The wiki toolbar lang file, located in /public/javascripts/jstoolbar/lang (for r1074 and above)

Say you want to translate Redmine in Finnish (fi as defined in the IANA Language Subtag Registry):

  1. Copy /config/locales/en.yml to fi.yml and translate every strings this file contains.
  2. Copy /public/javascripts/calendar/lang/calendar-en.js to calendar-fi.js and translate every strings this file contains (mainly day and month names).
  3. Copy /public/javascripts/jstoolbar/lang/jstoolbar-en.js to jstoolbar-fi.js and translate the strings.
  4. Test your translation with command
    rake test
    If you get errors related to gloc/locales, you must fix them.

All these files must be UTF-8 encoded. Do not use HTML entities in translated strings.

You can submit your translation here (login required) if you want it to be added to the next release.

As of 2009-02-21, only updates based on the new translation files (found in /config/locales) should be submitted.

Updates to the language files

File en.yml acts as the main language file. You can check if it has new strings by running

rake locales:update
. This copies the new strings to other translation files (with the English translation as default value).

Updated by Harri H about 15 years ago · 11 revisions